Chapter 6

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I was woken by someone gently washing my cuts, and realised that I was in a different place.

There was no stables, only a field, and the field only had two other horses. I looked at the horses and saw that they were Cookie, and some other mare called Savanna! Cookie was here, my childhood best friend! I whinnied happily to her, and she came over, but looked sad at the sight of me. The person who was mopping up my cuts and blood was a little girl, about the age of 10. Another human came out, this one a vet. She took one look at me, and bandaged what she could, before she pulled me up, and tried to load me, but I nuzzled Cookie before that. I was loaded into a horsebox, and taken to a veterinary centre.

I was taken into a clean stable, that was bedded down with deep, fresh straw. I started nibbling at that straight away, and was brought a net full of hay, I pulled at the net, and hungrily ate the hay, and some other vets came in, and washed me, and groomed the tangles out of my mane, and took the stones out of my hooves. They washed my raw face, and I was starting to feel a lot better. I sank down into the straw, and started sleeping. I was already very drowsy, when I felt a needle getting pushed into me, that knocked me out.

I woke up 3 hours later, and saw that some of my cuts had been stitched up! I got up, and tried to walk around, but my leg was too sore. I lay back down, and nibbled some straw. One of the vet nurses gave me an apple to eat. Each day I got stronger, and I stayed at the Veterinary Cernter for a year and a half, so I was now 7 years old. I was back to full strength, and I had been ridden a bit, too. I had two permanent scars, one on my hind quarters, the other on my shoulder, but I was fine. One day, a man came into the Veterinary Centre, and bought me.

He loaded me into a brand new horse box, and I was taken to my new home.

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