We're Back Bitches

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"Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now." Chancellor Jaha's voice and face appeared on screens all around the drop ship. Kids booed.

"Ugh, I got a good seat. Anyone got popcorn?" Kris joked seeing as where she sat there were so many visible screens. That comment got laughter and whistles from many around her.

"You've been given a second chance, and as your chancellor I would hope you'd see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for us all. Indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting down there for you. If the odds for survival were better we would have sent others." Jaha continued on the screen.

"What's waiting down there for us is a chancellor free world, count me in." Kris rolled her eyes. Jasper laughed. She went to high five Monty seeing as he was closer to her.

"Nope." He squeezed his eyes shut. "Trying not to vomit here." He gripped tighter on his seat belt. Kris rolled her eyes in a joking way. She faced her focus back to the screen.

"Frankly we are sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

"Your dad's a dick Wells." a boy shouted. It earned hoops and hollers from the crowd. The video went on to explain that if all went to plan, and the Ark could return to Earth, then the records of the delinquents would be wiped clean.

Jaha went on and on about the plan and what they were supposed to be doing on Earth. "See, even off the Ark we are still being controlled." Kris spoke. "Does anyone have a remote? I need to turn this off. It's giving me a headache." She called to everyone.

"Only for you, Red." A boy called out. Catcalls filled the second level.

"How, how do you do it so effortlessly." Jasper gawked at the fact that men practically fell at her feet anytime she blinked.

"Act like you don't care, act dumb, and make them want you. Don't give them any of your attention unless you have theirs." She shrugged her shoulders. Jasper had had a crush on Kris for years. Pretty much ever since they met. I mean a lot of people did. She was a beautiful girl, and nice, but only sometimes. Many took her red hair to be the origin of her bitchiness.

More yelling occurred when a boy started spinning in the air. He floated right past Kris, and gave her a very flirtatious wink. She blushed a little.

"Except for maybe him. I'd give him my full attention." She lightly bit her lip as he floated away. Her gaze followed him. The boy next to Kris got out, mainly because he saw how she reacted to the other boy's actions.

"Stay in your seats!" A girl Kris knew as Clarke yelled. The boy and another didn't listen. They continued to float until the ship came to a jolt, throwing them everywhere. Kris let out a scream as the boy next to her was now on the floor in front of her not moving.

Everything shook and was loud. Screaming was heard all around.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" Jasper screamed.

"Jasper, you sound like a girl." Kris commented, pushing her hair out of her face. He couldn't hear her, and kept screaming. A crash was heard, and everything sounded like it was powering down. The ship went dark and quiet.

The lights turned back on and everyone looked around. "Listen." Monty breathed out. "No machine hum."

"Woah, that's a first." Jasper lightly chuckled. The buckles unlocked, and people started to get out of their seats.

"Check on him." Clarke pointed to the boy in front of Kris. She glanced down at him

"I think the door is on the lower level." A boy shouted. Kris looked back at Clarke, shrugged her shoulders, and moved towards the ladder. Kris made it down to the bottom, and shoved her way to the front. When she got up there she saw a man standing in a guard uniform.

"Hey, just back it up, guys." He shouted. He turned to pull the lever.

"Stop!" Clarke's voice boomed. "The air could be toxic."

"Do you want to stay here and die? Either way we die." Kris looked at her. "Open the damn door." She turned towards the guard.

"Bellamy?" A tired voice was heard from the back. The guard turned his head back to the ladders, and so did. Kris. A girl was hanging on the rungs. She pushed her way to the front of the crowd.

"Oh my god, look how big you are." he smiled. The two hugged.

"Please tell me that's not his girlfriend." Kris mumbled to the person next to her.

"No, that's the girl under the floor. She's his sister." They replied back.

"Oh shit." She gasped.

"What are you wearing?" The girl released the hug, and noticed his clothing.

"I borrowed it to get on the dropship. Someones got to keep an eye on you." He smirked at her. She smiled back.

"Where's your wristband?" Clarke pointed out Bellamy not having one.

"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year." The girl turned and glared at her.

"What? No one has a brother." Was heard from the back.

"Didn't we already establish this?" She looked to the guy next to her once more. She caught him checking her out. "Hey, my eyes are up here." She elbowed him.

"That's Octavia Blake! The girl they found hidden in the floor." Another girl announced. Octavia jumped towards the crowd. Bellamy grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Octavia. Octavia, no. Let's give them something else to remember you by." He mumbled.

"Like what?" She faced him.

"Like being the first person on the ground in over 100 years." He moved towards the lever. She moved closer to the door. He slowly pulled it down, and the door hissed. Light seeped in from the outside.

Octavia made her way down the ramp. She took a big breath of air. She moved closer to the bottom, and jumped down. She looked around at the bright green scenery in front of her.

"WE'RE BACK BITCHESS!!!!!" She shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. All the kids in the ship filed out screaming and running. They were all so excited.


 Word Count: 1025

Another chapter down, and a deeper look into our fiery main character Kris! She is going to be very sarcastic and say a lot of what she would be thinking which will earn her many glares.

She also attracts all the guys, because she is gorgeous and yah know guys like women who are hard to get sometimes.

Hope you all enjoy!!!

Devil In DisguiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora