Never Stops

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"Kris grab my hand!"

"Kris get out of the water."

The redhead surfaced at the top of the moving water. She took a deep breath, finally being able to breathe again.

"Kris grab my hand!" Clarke reached out. Finn and Jasper were focused on getting Octavia, while Devin, Clarke, and Monty reached out to Kris. A loud splash was heard, and the thing that had Octavia swam away. It headed straight for Kris. "Quick, we have to do something!"

Devin looked around, and saw a vine hanging from a tree. He ripped it down, and tossed it out to the water. "Kris! Grab on!" Kris didn't hesitate, she grabbed the vine, and Devin pulled as hard as he could, dragging her back onto the shore. The monster had just barely gotten her.

"Holy shit." Monty exclaimed. At the same amount of time, Jasper had managed to get Octavia out of the water, before the thing came back. Kris coughed out all the water she inhaled.

"I almost died." She mumbled. "You almost killed me!" She looked at Devin.

"Hey, I saved you." He looked back at her.

"I wouldn't have been in that position if you didn't push me." she argued.

"God, you're so uptight. I was just trying to have fun. How was I supposed to know that was in there."

"Guys!" Clarke stopped them. She motioned to Octavia on the ground, with a giant cut on her leg from the water snake's teeth. Kris looked at Devin, rolled her eyes, and went over to help Octavia. Devin sighed, and went over too.

Octavia hugged Jasper, and thanked him for saving her. "Note to self, next time, save the girl." Monty patted Jasper on the back. The group lightly chuckled, except for Devin. He scoffed because that wasn't how his thank you went.


The group took a break for the night. They found a spot to sleep where it was cushioned from the plants on the ground. Kris sat there shivering.

"You good?" Finn sat down next to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She mumbled. She had her arms resting on her legs, and she laid her head on her arms.

"Here." Finn took his jacket off.

"No, I said I'm good." She rejected the gesture.

"No you're not. You're freezing." He chuckled, laying the jacket on her shoulders. She sat up, and wrapped it around her body more.

"Thank you." She lightly said.

"You know Devin's right. You are kind of up tight. I mean not as much as Clarke, but it's still annoying." He joked.

"Wow, thanks space walker." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm kidding. I think you're pretty cool. I was also joking earlier. I don't care why you were locked up, that doesn't matter." He looked at her. Maybe Kris was dying of hypothermia, or losing her mind, but it seemed like Finn was genuinely flirting with her. She looked at him, and he lightly smiled.

"I'm gonna go find a place to sleep." She got up, he did too. She went to hand him his jacket back, but he rejected.

"No, you keep it. It looks good on you." He complimented. She blushed a little. She turned and walked away. She moved a little ways away from everyone.

"So you and Finn now huh?" A voice was heard next to her.

"You're like a disease. You're everywhere." She rolled her eyes and looked to see Devin leaning on a tree. "And no, me and Finn are nothing." She protested.

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