14 - Confessions

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Later on after Dylan went home, Alana barged into Anastasia's room, got on a video call with Daisy, and spilled the tea to both of them.

Part of her hated how they were gossiping like girls in teen movies, but she was excited to share the news with two of her favorite people, even if it resulted in a major "I told you so."

"We sat on the front steps-"

"You did this outside? Where all your neighbors could see you?" Daisy intervened.

"I wasn't going to chance Ana eavesdropping on us when I was planning on talking about it anyway. So, it was kind of awkward 'cause neither of us knew what to say."

"Wow, Lani at a loss for words? That's surprising," Daisy mocked.

Alana rolled her eyes at both the statement and the nickname. "Haha, very funny. Anyway, then, he just confessed. Just straight up said that he likes me."

"As he should."

"Are you gonna keep interrupting? Or can I explain what happened?" Alana asked sassily.

"Oh," Anastasia, who had been quiet up to this point, chimed in, "She's really excited about this."

"I could just go and not finish my story if you two keep this up," she said, sounding serious. But Daisy and Anastasia know she meant it as a joke and that she wasn't actually annoyed. She appreciated that they were so invested, although she'd never voice that aloud to them.

"Keep going," Ana encouraged.

"Where was I? He said he likes me, so I told him I like him, too. And then we kissed. The end."

"Boo! Hiss!" Came through the phone's speaker. "How'd it happen? Did he ask? Where were your hands?"

"Oh, my god, Daisy."

"I just need some details, so I can picture it in my head."

"This is what happens when you spend all day every day reading fanfiction," Alana told Anastasia.

"Hey!" Daisy's knee-jerk reaction was to get fake offended but then realized, "No, yeah, that's accurate."

"He put his hand on my cheek and asked if it was okay. I nodded, and next thing I know, we're kissing. At some point, my hand ended up on his knee." A squeak of excitement from Alana's phone could be heard, making her roll her eyes fondly. "Then I kind of made a joke and ruined the moment, and he called me a skutch."

"There's no way he knew what that was to call you that unless that came up in conversation with you, Ana?"

"Nope, I don't think he knows that word."

"You guys take the fun out of everything. That's what he was trying to call me but didn't have the right word for it."

"So you finished his sentence for him."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Oh, my god." Daisy was going to start fangirling soon.

"You know we're real people, Dais, not some characters in a story."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. What else happened?"

"I explained it to him and mentioned we're Italian. And he said that that made sense. I didn't know if that was an insult or not, but he said it was cute. He thinks my little habits are cute. So, I thanked him and told him that not everyone appreciates it."

Anastasia and Daisy rolled their eyes and said their own versions of "Brady was an asshole anyway," both immediately thinking of her crappy ex.

"Anyway, I kissed his cheek, and he blushed. So, I told him it was cute, and he blushed even more. It's pretty cute how easy it is to make him blush to be honest."

"He does blush easily," Ana commented.

"Oh, my god. Is that weird for you two?"

"No," the sisters said in unison, looked at each other, and laughed.

"Then you wonder why people ask if you're twins. But anyway, go on. Finish your story."

"Well, as a joke, he asked why he likes me, and I basically asked him the same thing. It was meant to be a joke, but it didn't really sound like a joke when I said it."

"Aw, Lana, you're great." Ana put an arm around her sister's shoulders.

"Thanks. He said I was funny and nice and likes that I really care about the people I love-"

"That's so specific, wow. But also super sweet."

"I know." Alana couldn't hide her smile, which the others made sure to point out. "Then, we talked about how I'm really bad at keeping a serious moment serious. But he just said to never change, and I swear I melted a little."

"Lana, that is literally the cutest shit you've ever been involved in," Daisy said assuredly.

"It is super cute," Anastasia agreed.

"Yeah, I think so, too."

"She's whipped," Daisy told Ana. "They've been dating for less than a day, and she's already whipped."

"Well, I think he is, too, to be honest," Ana said.

"And you're not bothered? Like at all?"

"They are together right now because I told them to get their heads out of their asses. So, to answer your question, no, I'm not bothered."

"Hey, Lana," Daisy moved on.


"Is now the time I get to say I told you so? Because uh, I told you so! I told you so. I totally told you so. Wait! Can I tell your mom?"

"No, Daisy. You cannot tell my mom."

"Can I be on the phone when you tell her at least? I want to hear her tell you I told you so, too."

Alana just sighed and shook her head.

"Why is Alana getting I told you so's from you and ma?"

Daisy looked at Alana, silently asking for permission to talk about it. Alana nodded her head slightly, allowing everything to be out in the open.

Daisy told Anastasia about her enemies-to-lovers theory and how their mom basically thought the same thing.

"So, wait, this was all while Dylan and I were dating?"

"Yes," Daisy confirmed. "This ship was coming for a long time."


"I tried to stop them. I tried playing devil's advocate. They were not having it, Ana. They were convinced."

"I mean, they were right, weren't they?"

"Yes." Alana fake sobbed.

"Yay for happy endings!" Daisy cheered.

The two sisters chuckled.

The three of them chatted for a little while longer about anything and everything. It was always nice to catch up with one another. They were definitely due to hang out in person sometime in the near future. It was just hard to find time with their busy schedules.

Alana was glad they were in contact as often as they were. She doesn't know what she'd do without her sister and best friend.

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