PILOT Part 1

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Gilbert Wayne, 14 years old, is a teenage boy who is shy, anxious and afraid to talk to anyone. He is 5'2 tall and has brown hair with fair skin. He is very skinny and is mediocre in his studies. He just moved to Pasadena California with his family.

He has a little sister 11 years old Julie Wayne and Frank Wayne 40 years the father. His mother died when he was 10 due to an accident. He was very close to his mother. After the death of his mother, he cut himself out from the world. His father made him see many psychologists but his condition never improved. To shift the environment his father decided to shift to Pasadena.

Today is his first day in his new school. Even though he is in high school he doesn't have any friends from his previous school.

When his father drop him off at his new school he goes to the office to get his timetable and by chance, he meets the guard who promises to show him the mathematics class he has to go to (because the school is vast).

His first class is mathematics so the guard shows him the class and introduces him to Mrs. Chesterfield. She is a tall, slim and social woman. She welcomes Gilbert and tells him to sit with Ursula Ross.

Ursula is a very famous girl with blue-greyish eyes with thin eyebrows. Her cheek has a few red spots and her face is round and sharp at the chin. She has a friend Millie. But today Millie is absent so her seat has been given to Gilbert.

When Gilbert arrives at Ursula's seat he sees her doing a math problem. First, she does not notice Gilbert but when he sits on the seat next to her she replies to him "Hello there! Newbie what's your name? That cap looks good on you".

Gilbert replies "Hi, I am Gilbert." with a very low tone and less confident manner. Ursula doesn't judge him but she kinda got the idea that he is a nerd.

Ursula replies "That's a nice name. I am Ursula. From where did you shift?". Gilbert is not in the mood to reply but his inner voice forces him to reply.

He says " I moved here from San Francisco " in a less interesting manner.

Ursula wants to know more about the newbie nerd because all the other people are nosey and want to roam around her even her best friend Millie. She is her best friend because her father and Millie's father are business partners. Gilbert is not a follower of Ursula which draws her attention towards him.

Mrs. Chesterfield is going to start a new topic and she also asks Ursula to help Gilbert on the topics he missed out on. Mrs Chesterfield teaches about exponents and powers and gives some questions as homework.

The class gets over and Ursula says" Hey Gil let's be friends and give me your number so that I can send you the notes and be in touch."

Gilbert replies" Yeah s...su...sure......" with a breaking voice.

The next class is history Gilbert asks Ursula if knows where it is.

Ursula replies "Yeah sure because I also have my history class, let me grab my stuff." in a friendly manner.

They both head towards the history class. They arrive at the class they meet Mr. Christopher who is having his tea on his table.

The bell rings and class starts. Me Christopher starts the class by saying "Avacan was a flute which was used by evil kings to to win wars. It was used to summon the dead evil warriors and use them in the wars. "

He adds," If good kings used it, it could create a shield as long as the king wants it to be. The Avacan was considered to be a dangerous weapon in all the history so a group of people also known as 'The Protectors' were assigned to keep the Avacan out of reach of bad kings."
He says, "The Protectors sacrificed so much that no one ever imagined and saved the world from extreme chaos......"

A boy Sam listens to Mr. Christopher's stories carefully. This story makes him so curious that he interrupts Mr Christopher and asks him "Sorry to interrupt you sir. Out of curiosity, I want to know that is it a real story or a prophecy. "

Mr Christopher replies "Well in today's modern world we all do not believe in magic or ghosts. Science is becoming more advanced. It's not about the reality of the story it's all about what you believe because if you believe in anything then it will become real. "

The bell rings. Mr. Christopher says, "Everyone complete your assignment because you all have two weeks to submit it and you all will be graded according to your work."

Mr. Christopher sees a new face "Well there you are. I didn't notice. I got know to that a new student was coming. What's your name boy?"

Gilbert replies "It's Gilbert, sir. Nice to meet you."

He says, "Hey Ursula can you help him in his studies and be his partner for the assignment ."

Ursula, "Sure. I am helping him with his mathematics work. Can you please just talk to my father about the helping thing because he always wants me to focus on myself not others?"

Mr. Christopher, "Well I'll have a few words with him. See you two tomorrow."

Now Ursula has her cheerleading practice class so she leaves Gilbert after showing his sports room.

Gilbert thinks while walking, "Why there is no evidence of Avacan? Why has no one ever mentioned it on any TV channels? Should I believe it or let it pass? This world is full of mystery. Now I might wanna open up all those mysteries starting with Avacan."

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