A Look into past (A) PART-6

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Buzzzzzzzz! I opened my eyes watching the ceiling and fantasizing about my life. I kept thinking about how I got married with Frank the most beautiful man on earth and had most adorable children.
It was tiring to take care of each person of the family. They always forget where they put their things and ask me to find them. But at the end of the day watching them all smiling lifted my soul. It somehow made me happy. I love them alot.

It was 5 am and Julie was sleeping and coing. I had to wake Gilbert because he had to go to his bus stop by 6:30 am.

I woke him up and after giving him breakfast I dropped him to the bus stop and had a mother son talk while waiting. After leaving him I came to wake my lazy husband and give Julie her breakfast. It was my routine every morning from the day Gilbert was born then I was Just used to it.

While I was having my morning coffee after sending everyone to their schools and office. Then came the bad news from 'THE PROTECTORS'. Well I joined it when I was 16. My parents served it for like 50 years and trained me to serve. It was kind of my ancestor's job from whom it passed to me. I hid my identity from Frank and my children which was the only way to protect them. It was a really dangerous task. I couldn't risk my family.

Mr. X said that the location of Avacan was found by 'THE WICKEDS'. After hearing this I was really shocked. 'THE WICKEDS' were the people whom we thought we destroyed completely but then they had again started searching for Avacan. My parents were the one who destroyed them by joining their group and betraying them. They had been looking for their revenge by accomplishing their mission.

After hearing their name I dropped my cup of coffee. It was so shocking. My brain stopped working. I panicked and started searching for my inhaler.

"It is an asthma attack!Whe..re..re is... my in..haler?"

After searching through drawers and trying to relax. It was not getting better, it got worse.

"Finally there you are. Umh.. "

I found life in my body after having my inhaler. I got a paper and wrote a message to my family members. I headed straight towards my car which was given to me by my parents before their death.

It was there in my garage after their death. That day I used it. It was a dangerous mission that i was going to. Last time I glanced at my house and the name board outside the house.

"I may not return today. It was a pleasure living in this house and having many happy memories. See you my house."

I started my car's engine. I did not expect it to start. But the car didn't age a single day. It looked like it was alive. I called Mr. X and told him," I may not come alive today from the mission. I will lay my life to protect 'The Avacan'. When the time comes tell Gilbert all about my life and tell him that I want him to join 'THE PROTECTORS'. Give him the box which is in my locker."

After saying those things to Mr. X I couldn't hold my tears. After a few minutes I told myself to be strong and fight these psychopaths. I boarded towards Grant Avenue. My parents hid it under tight security .After getting there I met with my companions Albert and Zoey. They brought my suit and my magical ring. Well since we were protecting a magical thing magic was indeed necessary.

I woke him up, after giving him breakfast I dropped him to the bus stop and had a few mother-son talk while waiting. After leaving him I came to wake my lazy husband and give Julie her breakfast. It was my routine every morning from the day Gilbert was born. Then I was Just used to it.

While I was having my morning coffee after sending everyone to their schools and office. Then came the bad news from 'THE PROTECTORS'. Well I joined it when I was 16. My parents served it for like 50 years and trained me to serve. It was kind of my ancestor's job from whom it passed to my father and mother then me. I hid my identity from Frank and my children which was the only way to protect them. It was a really dangerous task. I couldn't risk my family.

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