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I am just a newbie in this new school who wants to be friends with me. I don't know why Ursula is so friendly towards me even after she is so popular in the whole school. No one wanted to be this friendly in my old school.

I must stay away from her. What if she is just another bully or a gossip girl who wants a new story to talk about in the whole school?

I am tired of walking in this big school. I know if I do not work on my walking speed I will always be late for my classes. Here is my PE teacher. What is going on? Why all the people are gathering in a crowd?

"Hey, Gilbert come here." I hear the coach (PE teacher) calling me.

I am tired of moving my legs. Let's see what it is about.

"So boys this is the new boy I told you about. He is here now."

Well, now I know why they were gathering. It was just to introduce me.

The coach adds "This boy was one of the best football players in his previous team and now I will be adding him to our team. Just help him out, boys. I don't know why I am getting a positive feeling about winning this year's match with 'The Skydivers'. "

"The Eagles will fly. Repeat with me. The Eagles will fly, the Eagles will fly, the Eagles........"

The determination can be felt in the atmosphere. I just want to play football and leave soon. I do not want to talk to anyone, everyone is unfamiliar here. "Hey, Gilbert." Someone calls me in the crowd. "I am Victor Brown. Nice to meet you."

He looks 5'3 tall with well muscles on body. He has sharp chin and has curved hair style. He has black hair and thick eyebrows.

"Nice to meet you too". What does he want from me? Oh god, it is really hard for me to talk to someone.

"Our coach never admires anyone like this. There must be something about you. So we will be companions from now on. Let's see how you will make The Eagles fl....y." Victor says.

What is the tone is he talking to me? Is he trying to mock me?

"Well then let's have a match. Today you will get to know me."

Well I scored 2 goals and Victor was in the opposite team, my team won with a score of 4/2. Now

I guess no one will bug me, now I am hungry and want to go to the canteen to have my lunch. Victor's emotions didn't seem good. I better not say anything to him.

Oh, it's time for lunch. Finally, my stomach can get a little food. I am now moving in corridors to go to the canteen. Oh, where is it? I am seriously gonna die either by not having food or by walking in these corridors.

Is she Ursala? Offcourse she is. I was never this happy seeing Ursala.
"Hey Ursala do you mind telling me where the canteen is because I am super hungry."

"Oh hey there. Of course, why would I mind? I was also headed there. Let's go together and have lunch." she replies to me with a smiling face.

Oh god, how many followers does she have? How does everyone know her? We are going to reach the canteen but no one is there who has not said hello to her on our way. Why is she so popular and still wants to be friends with me?

I will have my burger today and it will cost me some of my pocket money. But wait Ursala has her purse with so many cards. She must be super rich. It is making me feel inferior.

" Let's meet at Kings Park to discuss our history project," she says.

" Then I will see you at 4 pm in the park."

My last class is going to be over soon and I will head back to my house as soon as possible. I want to know about Avacan.

It's good to be home the first day is tiring emotionally as well as physically. It's around 1 pm I think I might have a few hours to do my research on Avacan.

Why the computer is far away? I do not want to get up and go there.

This chair makes me very comfortable when I sit on it.

Let me just type where was the Avacan before it was hidden by The Protectors?

It says that around the year 1756, it was last used in Pasadena which brought a huge war against two people in power. The king who had Avacan won the war. When the war ended everything perished in it. Due to this loss, The Protectors stole it from the evil king and hid it in the local area but no one is aware of it where it is now. The world has been silent till now.

Oh yeah, it's a cool stuff. I never thought that I could get this much knowledge from the internet. I think this person has a deep knowledge of Avacan. I wish I could meet this person and get all my answers about Avacan.

The Avacan must be here somewhere. Now my journey begins. I am going to find out everything about it.

Huh, wait, why there is a pop-up here? Let me cancel it. Oh no, I accidentally clicked. What is happening to my computer? What is it? I think I have been hacked.

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