A Look into past (B) Part 7

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(Iris POV)

"We will not be able to hold them long enough. They are many, we are only three. We will have to protect the Avacan at all cost. We will have to come up with another plan." said Zoey while she was giving her best to stop those thickheads.

"We will have to. Zoey is right ''.Albert said affirmatively from another corner of the fight zone.

They were right as we used most of our rings' power trying to stop them .We had to come up with something big. Then it clicked for me.I knew that there was no way we could defeat all of them.

I started to think about another plan then it clicked me about the secret spell which my mother taught me. She told me to use it for the worst situation.

"So Zoey and Albert hear me out. I have a plan. I will cast a spell and then ........". I muttered to Zoey and Albert when we were going inside the abandoned house.

They both were baffled after hearing my plan.

"So what are we waiting for, sunrise or to die." Albert said half jokingly.

But neither of us were amused by his joke because it was like a do or die situation.

Finally, the leader showed up from behind his followers more like rats who die first when war starts.

I used my magical ring to create a copy of the Avacan and secured the real one with a spell which my mother told me about.

"Take my soul and use it to protect the Avacan". I whispered to my ring because I didn't tell Zoey and Albert that I had to give my soul for the ritual.

"Magical maze creato, magical creatures apperto, wosh tush hush...." I enchanted the spell while Zoey and Albert were creating a barrier and a mirage.

I took the copy of Avacan and took a back door to exit and left Albert and Zoey while showing those thick heads making them follow me. My plan was right. They followed me. I got to my car and then started driving.

I didn't know where I was headed in this silent place. Then I heard a beep from my phone. Just when I picked up and about to say something.

Mr. X interrupted and said," Are you out of your mind what are you doing? This is not your choice to die. What will happen to your family? What will happen to your little kids?"

My bones trembled when I thought of leaving my children but there was no choice. I had to do it because Avacan must be protected. Tears started streaming down my face. This was a tough decision but I had to make. Sorry Gilbert, Julie and Frank. I am really a bad mother and wife.

While crying I spoke," Mr X don't tell my family what happened to me exactly. Make my death a fake car accident. At last I want you to tell Gilbert all the truth when the right time comes I have recorded everything that I have to say and uploaded it to the server. Bye."

Then after disconnecting the call I made a last spell of explosion and crashed my car into a nearby tree.

I heard the last thing,"Bushhhhhhh....."

I felt dizzy and accepted my death.

(Zoey POV)

"Why is it silent outside?" I questioned Albert.

"Yes, what happened? It is all silent as the dead sea." He added.

We both came out and saw the sun rising in the blue sky. It was a beautiful sunrise. I never found the sun this beautiful. After gazing at the sun for a few seconds it clicked in my mind that Iris didn't return after fooling those thick heads. I called the headquarters and found the truth. I could barely breathe. It was like the ground from my feet slept away. Tears started building up and it came out streaming down my face after a few seconds.

I heard Albert asking ," What happened? Why are you crying? Don't be quiet. Why are you crying? Say something. Please tell me it's eating me up."

I tried to speak but no words came out. "She is...she ...she ....is...dead." I spoke after trying so hard.

"What in the world are you saying? You must have heard something wrong. It can't be true. Say something." Asked me in a denial.

My silence made everything clear. He put his hands on his head and said, "She not only protected the Avacan but also us. She forgot about her family in saving the world. This is not written. None of this is written. She thought of herself as a saviour at the cost of her own life. This is not fair. It should have been me. I have no family."

He was very said he cursed himself. He was not alone. I should have died, not her. Why the hell good people die so soon and bad ones live?

I heard my phone ringing. It was Mr. X. He said,'' Zoey and Albert, you both know the truth. It is really sad to loose your friend. I can understand it but we have to make sure of something. Go to the crash site and check the scene and tell me the condition.

We gathered courage and made our way to the crash side. I was shocked after seeing the side. Iris did something which caused a big explosion and most of the members of The Wickeds were eliminated. But their leader fled the site of the accident. She saved the world but not herself. A true soldier. I salute you. You will live in my heart forever.

I gave all the details to Mr. X and he called up a meeting in order to remember Iris Wayne, a true saviour of planet earth. When we were leaving, a few police cars and ambulances pulled up but it was to late. Everything was silent. Not a bird chirped.

(Frank POV)

"Gilbert, don't roam here and there. Your mother will ground you when she comes home. You are very naughty. Here, have your dinner." I said while taking Julie in my hand.

Where is she? She left without any information.

Knock knock....

I heard the door. I made my way towards the door. It was a cop.

"Is this Frank Wayne's house?" He said facing the door.

"Yes. What's wrong?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I am very sorry sir. Your wife Iris died in a car accident in the morning." The policeman said while looking towards the children.

"What? This must be some kind of joke or prank. Hey Iris come out I know you are pranking me. It's not funny. I know I have pranked you so many times but this is too much" I said confusingly.

"It's not a joke Mr. Wayne, here are her belongings." He said while giving me a bag. It was her bracelet which I gifted her and her ID. I felt like passing out.

Everything went blank. I heard Gilbert asking dad what happened to mom. I was thunderstruck. I tried so hard not to cry but was not able to. Tears streamed down my eyes and everything went blank.


Sorry readers I was really busy with few stuffs . But I am free now.

I wanted to complete this past thing in two parts that made the second part too long.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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