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Why am I getting a bad feeling talking to Mr Christopher about my father? I shouldn't have told him to call dad. Why my house is silent? Where is Dad?

The silence starts to eat me up. Why he hasn't yelled at me for complaining about him?

Even after my dad is strict I still love most of the things he did and doing for our family's sake. He doesn't show his love but it can be felt. He always out there working for me to have a better future. I am grateful to have him.

I see him coming down the stairs from his room. "Dad listen to me first....t".

"Well don't be scared I won't ground you for backbiting hahaha... but why did you tell your teacher that I do not let you help others? That's not what I meant, you can help but to a certain limit. If a person deserves to get help then only you should help. So, yes you can help Gilbert. So just have a few words with your teacher I have to see a meeting file and update it now." Dad says to me.

"I feel sorry for that. It will never happen. Please forgive."

Dad leaves the hall in a hurry.

"Hello, Mr Christopher good evening.

"Good evening. Now you can help Gilbert without any problem." Mr Christopher says.

"Thanks for talking Dad. Can I have Gilbert's house address? "

"Well I do not have his address but I may have his father's mobile number if you want it I can send you. Help him with his study. I feel like something is bothering him. " Mr Christopher replies to me.

"Yeah of course. I will ask his dad for the address."

I do not know anything about Mr Christopher but he seems a nice teacher.

Ugh! Where is Dad now? Then I will have to call his father. Biz!

"Hello. Who's there?"

"Ummm! It's Ursula, Gilbert's friend."

"What do you want from Gilbert?"

"Well, I wanted your address because me and Gilbert were paired up for a project and Mr Christopher asked me to help him out."

"Marconi street....." Mr Frank replied.

My father returns and asks for his phone. While talking to someone with his other phone.

"Hello, this is John Ross. Dammit, I want to know who called the press and got our company into this situation. Just call a meeting with the interns and junior to enquire about this incident. "

I never saw him this furious. Must be something bad had happened.

I cut the call. Well, I  thought. The call was not disconnected Mr Frank was still on the other side. My dad takes his phone but a sound comes from it: "Hello, is this John?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Long time no see buddy. How are you?"

"Who are you ?"

"I am Frank .... Frank Wayne."

"Frank... Mmmm. Oh, you are that Frank from San Francisco."

"Yup, the only Frank. Never contacted me after leaving."

"Oh sorry about that. Everything happened so quickly. What are you doing here in Pasadena?"

"Well, it's that I lost my wife and my son.....(explains the whole problem)"

"I am so sorry for your loss.  Well, my Ursula will help him out with all of his studies. Let's have a cup of tea sometime."

"Sure. I never imagined to meet you again. That's why people say that nothing goes as planned."

"Ok bye, bud see you around I have a lot of things to sort out."

"Bye," I heard it from Mr Frank. The call ends.

Huh, what just happened? It turns out that the world is not as big as I thought. My dad's old friend is Gilbert's dad. How is it even possible? I feel like it's a movie's write-up.

I heard Dad and now I do not have the guts to ask him to go to Gilbert's house. Now I will have to wait until he clears the matter.

It's now 2:15 and he is still in his room.

Ugh! I am losing my appetite now. Is he going to talk all day?

Oh, there he comes. "Dad, can I go to Gilbert's house?" I did not think that he would let me go.

But to my surprise, he gave the permission.

(At Gilbert's house)

Oh god! That little girl asked me to wait here. It's been 5 minutes and no one came out except her.

I am curious that even though I am so popular why does Gilbert keep pushing me away? Is it because of his mother's death? It's really bad to grow up without a mother I can't imagine myself without my mother. I hope he will cope with it.

I heard something falling. Then there is no option I must see what happened. Is it that little girl? When I open the door I see Gilbert lying on his back. He must have fallen from the stairs.

I rushed and helped him to get settled on a chair. He asks me so many questions. Which one should I reply first? After answering his questions I got to know that he got himself a problem. He is so stubborn. Who goes to a hacker and gets hacked? I'll give him my 20 dollars which I asked Dad to buy rolling shoes. I am sure he will pay me afterwards.

We put the money with a sorry note under the rock.

In morning I saw Gilbert's text that the hacker messaged him on the same night.

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