Chapter One

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"I swear to god Stilinski, if I get murdered out here, I'm going to kill you" a pissed off Scarlet whispered to her best friend.

Stiles looked back at her in confusion,"but if you're already dead ho-" he was cut off by a menacing glare in which he gulped and just nodded.

Scott trying to keep up with them sighs "We're seriously doing this ?"

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles responds, too jittery to even slow down.

Scott looks at him desperately, "I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow" making Scarlet look at him and slowing down next to him, "see, some of us had plans tonight, that didn't involve sneaking into the woods in the middle of the night waiting to get murdered !".

Stiles just ignores the girl, knowing she didn't have any plans apart from reading her weight in books and then complaining the next day about how she was so tired cause she couldn't put down her book,

"Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." He responds snidely.

Scott, ever the optimistic, and with a helpful smile from Scarlet tells him "No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line."

Scarlet hides a small smile while Stiles just stares at his best friend in disbelief

"Hey, that's the spirit! Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one."

Scarlet looks at Stiles with a mischievous smile "oh you mean like your 5 year plan to marry Lydia", as Stiles chokes on his spit Scott chimes up with an equally sarcastic tone, "Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?"

As Stiles keeps walking, looking a bit sheepish and still limping a bit earlier, Scarlet ignores them, thinking back to a couple of hours ago when she was in her bed, comfortably reading and drinking tea.

A couple hours ago
Scarlet had just brewed some tea, getting comfortable in her bed, about to read when she heard the door open.

Knowing it wasn't her father, as he was at work, she took her steel baseball bat that Stiles had gifted her when he found out she was, most of the time, home alone and slowly crept down her stairs, looking for an intruder.

As she steps onto the last step she sees two figures standing there and so without thinking she strikes the one closest to her in the legs to take him down and as she was about to strike again, the lights suddenly turned on revealing her two idiot best friends looking terrified at her. "What the fuck are you doing here at 7 at night!" She yells at them, Stiles, still on the ground, groaning in pain shouts back "Why did you hit me!"

"Oh I'm sorry that you thought it was a good idea to sneak into my house KNOWING I was home alone and didn't call me to let me know, I thought you were intruders!" She yells back.

Scott, who was still standing next to the light switch, the furtherest from her and still shaking in fear, looks down at Stiles "I thought you called her, after what happened at my house"

"Well it seems I didn't" Stiles bites back.

She was broken out of her thoughts when she heard Scott gasping for air.

"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" Scott pants out as he leans against a tree and pulls his inhaler out of his pocket, but when he comes up empty, Scarlet throws one at him, knowing he would forget his in the car.

As they caught up to Stiles up the hill, they see a bunch of people waving flashlights around as part of the search, the boys dive behind a large fallen tree branch as to not be seen while Scarlet rolls back down the hill, ready to take off the other way, until she realised the boys were still up there.

As she heard Scott whisper scream to wait and then hears him follow after Stiles. Scarlet, not wanting to get in trouble with papa Stilinski goes back in the direction they came from, or so she thought, she wasn't really paying attention and the last thing she wanted was to get lost in the woods with a murderer on the loose.

As it starts to rain and she still hadn't found her way back, Scarlet startes panicking until she hears a bunch of branches breaking as if animals were running her way, so she started running as fast as she could until she came across a burnt down house, not wanting to stay in the rain any longer and kind of freaked out by the forest, she sprints inside not caring about the dangers inside and hoping her friends were alright.

814 words


So this is my first book and I'm kind of excited about it. If you notice any mistakes, don't hesitate to point them out as English isn't my first language.

I might update once a week, maybe, maybe not, depends on when I have time since I finished school and am supposed to be looking for a job.

Hope you enjoyed don't forget to vote and I'll see you next week.

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