Chapter Two

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Early Chapter cause why not

Damian's POV

As he stood outside his childhood home, Damian could almost hear the laughter and joy that used to come out of his home, 'almost' being that he could also remember the sound of the flames as they ate away at everything in their way and the screams of his family members shouting for help.

He could vividly remember waking up that day, and having a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen that day. Of course, he thought it was going to be bad as in, embarrassing himself in front of his crush and not as in losing most of his family in one night.

Not wanting to dwell on the past and the fact that it was starting to rain, he stepped inside, hoping that his older brother Derek had found their sister, after she left them in search of something, he didn't know what exactly.

As he stepped inside, the first thing he heard was shallow breathing, cursing himself for not listening for heartbeats before and thinking it was a hunter, he immediately listened to where it was coming from.

Hearing it came from the kitchen, he carefully stepped inside, and as he turned, he saw that it was not in fact a hunter, but a girl, no older than he was, from where he was, he could see brown hair, she was shorter than him at his 6'0, she was about 5'5.

"Hello?" He said softly as to not scare her away, hoping that she wasn't a hunter in disguise as he really wasn't in the mood for a fight.

"Oh my god! You scared the hell out of me! What is wrong with you and why are you sneaking around like that" She yelled, practically jumping up and staring at him with wide eyes.

Damian could barely hold back a laugh at her response as he took her in, she looked cold, was probably in the rain and took refuge here but then again, what was a girl like her doing in the middle of the woods at night.

"Oh I'm glad I'm amusing you, now if you don't mind, who the hell are you" She practically shouted at him.

"Sorry, I'm Damian and I should probably be asking you that since you're kind of on my property" he told her and he could see the look of realisation that she was the one that was in the wrong, technically.

As she shivered he remembered that she was still wet so decided to be a gentleman and offer her his hoodie. "Thanks umm.. I'm Scarlet and I'm really sorry, I was with my friends and I lost them and then it started raining and I found this place and so I thought huh why not it's better than being out there an-"

"Calm down" he cut her rambling off seeing as she probably would want to go home, he offered to drive her. "I promise I'm not some serial killer or anything but I'm sure you wanna go home and dry off, so how about I drive you home?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice" She agreed.

At The Rhodes Residence

As he came to a stop in front of her house after she gave him directions, he stopped his car and turned to her as she started talking.

"Thank you for dropping me off, you could've literally just kicked me out and leave it at that" She croaked out.

Damian smiled "now that wouldn't be very gentlemanly would it".

"No, no it wouldn't" She smiled back. Then as if it just occurred to her she turned to him and started taking his jacket off, "here, I almost forgot" but as she was about to take it off, he stopped her.

"It's okay, just give it back when we see each other again"

"So you're confident you're going to be seeing me again" She laughed and he couldn't help but notice the way her dimples would pop out. "Hell yeah" he murmured.

As they stared at each other, Scarlet seemed to pop out of her daze and start unbuckling herself, "okay well I guess I'll see you when I see you"

As he stared at her, walking into her home and hearing her heartbeat beating so fast, he smiled to himself and knew he was in deep.

Scarlet's POV

As she closed the door and leaned onto her front door, she couldn't help but let out a little squeal, only to then remind herself that she had only met this guy and it was way too soon to be squealing over him.

But as she went to sleep that night after an exhausting night of running in the forest, she couldn't help herself and fell asleep in his jacket, inhaling his woodsy and citrus-y scent and thinking of his soft brown eyes.

809 words



Chapter two done! How'd you feel about Damian?

As always let me know about any mistakes and don't forget to vote <3

Stay safe and make choices.

Until next week

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