Chapter Three

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Scarlet's POV

Beacon Hills High School

As she walked to school, Scarlet thought about the mysterious Damian she had met the night before, and was really giving herself a hard time about not asking for his last name, but he seemed familiar, as if they had met before, but she couldn't place him anywhere.

When she finally got to the entrance of the school, she heard Jackson Whittemore shouting at Scott, something about his paint job, she didn't really care. Her and Jackson used to go out a year prior, but when he cheated on her with some girl at a party, she decided to finally call it quits. Last she heard Lydia and him had gotten together over the summer, good for them she thought, bad for Stiles' 5 year plan though, or was it 10? She couldn't remember.

Joining Scott and Stiles, she sees Scott lift his shirt up. "Ohh, that's nasty!" Scott still looking at his gauze covered wound just let out a small 'yeah'.

Stiles, ever the helpful one, pokes the bandage, which makes Scott flinch in pain.
Scarlet just rolls her eyes smacking Stiles on the back of the head.

As they resume their walk into school, the boys start talking about last night.
Scott, as if just realising, asks Scarlet where she went after everyone split up.

"Oh you know, just went home and then had the best hot shower I've ever had after walking through the woods." She says, choosing to leave out the part about Damian.
Scott, accepting that answer continues but Stiles didn't buy her story, but choosing to ignore it for now listened to what Scott had to say.

"It was  too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." states Scott, as if that could ever happen.
The two other teens look at him in disbelief.

"A wolf bit you?" "Uh-huh" "No, not a chance"

Scott looks at him in confusion and turns to Scarlet as if she could help. "I heard a wolf howling" he states and as she stares at him with pity Stiles goes on about how there haven't been wolves in California for sixty years.

Scarlet, starting to get bored with the conversation once Lydia walked past, looked around at all the other students, until she caught the sight of a familiar mop of brown hair.

There was Damian, walking into school as if he owned the place, Scarlet wanted to go up to him but decided it was best to leave him alone for now, I mean, he probably had people to see and friends to make and she wasn't about to go disturb him.


Once she parted ways with the boys as they went to English class, she made her way to Maths Class, the person making her timetable and giving her maths, first thing on a Monday morning deserved to suffer.

As she got in her seat near the front, she felt someone move behind her and kick her chair. Scarlet, ever so graceful and kind, turned to give that person a piece of her mind. But as she turned, she smelt that same woodsy and citrus scent and an automatic smile crept onto her face.

"I told you we would be seeing eachother again" he stated with that deep voice of his making her clench her thighs. "Sadly, I forgot your hoodie at home." She replied looking anything but apologetic.

As he laughed, the bell rang, making her turn around in her seat to face the front and after a couple of minutes, she saw the vice principal walking in. "Ah, I see our new student has found his way here, everyone, I'd like you to welcome Damian Hale. He will be joining us this year and I hope you do your best to make him feel welcomed."

So, Scarlet turned around with a small grin, only to find him already looking at her. "Welcome to Beacon Hills." She stated, and as he held back a small laugh, he leaned forward and replied with a charming smile "Thank you, are you gonna show me around after class?" And before turning around, she simply nodded and prayed that he couldn't hear her heart beating put of her chest. Except he could.

3rd Person POV

After class ended and Scott found his way to his locker, he was surprised to find Scarlet with a guy, laughing at something he said, standing way too close to his liking.

But then Allison catches his eye and as Stiles comes up to him and Harley makes a comment about how the 'new girl was already in Lydia's clique' Stiles, not catching onto her obvious sarcasm responds with a "because she's hot".

But as he turns his head and notices Scarlet and 'mystery boy', he catches the look Harley gives him, and without finishing his thought, just points to both groups of people and says "beautiful people herd together.

Damian's POV

As he stood there, watching her laugh, he couldn't help but smile to himself, proud that he was the one making her laugh. He didn't know what was going on in his head anymore, one minute he hated everything and everyone around him, but as soon as he was in her presence, he couldn't help but listen to anything she said.

Now, they were talking at her locker, after her, not so grand, grand tour of the school, she was telling him about what Beacon Hills High had to offer.

"Are you into sports, I mean you look like you could be, but then again you may just have a fast metabolism, not that I'm judging, you look great, really good- I'm gonna stop now" She stopped her rambling with a blush and he couldn't help but admire her.

"Yeah , I'm into sports" he added with a smirk and noticed her heart rate speed up. " Well, we have the swim team" "pass" he added, "we have the basketball team, but they haven't won a championship in years" he smiled to himself, he couldn't wait to rub that salt into Derek's metaphorical wound, "pass."

"Okay, well then lastly we have lacrosse, you might like that, a lot of tackling, in fact they have practice in a few minutes so why not check it out?"

And as she took his hand into hers without thinking, she pulled him towards the field where she knew she would be bombarded with questions by her best friends.

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We love multiple povs in one chapter...

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Stay safe and make choices <3

See you next week

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