Sherlock Holmes p6

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The following morning (Y/n) woke early to go on a morning stroll.
The fog set a peaceful mood and the quiet made it more enjoyable.
Unfortunately it also made it difficult to see when someone is in front of you.
Such is the case when (Y/n) bumps into someone with a sturdy chest.
"Oh I'm terribly sorry miss. Are you alright?" The man inquires.
"It's quite alright. I'm fine."
"Oh good. I would hate to have injured you. Then again I could patch you up if something did happen." He rants quietly and smiles softly.

(Y/n) smiles and puts her hand on his arm gently. "Thank you. I hope you were enjoying your morning before I bumped into you."
"I was trying to find my way around. I haven't been in London long."
"Where are you coming from?"
"The Afghan war. I was a medic and I've been discharged due to my injury."
"Oh I'm terribly sorry to hear. Could I treat you to some breakfast? If you haven't eaten that is."
"I would love some. It just so happens I was looking for a cheap place to eat."
The woman laughs happily. "Then you're in luck doctor. I know just the place."

(Y/n) walks with the man to a small establishment she frequents with her twin.
They converse happily while walking and throughout their meal.
After they finish they continue talking and soon enough, once again, time escapes the woman.
The man looks at his pocket watch and his eyes widen. "Blasted! Is that really the time? I must be on my way. I am expected at a possible new living space."
(Y/n) smiles softly. "I'm glad you found somewhere. Do you require assistance in finding it?"
"It would be much appreciated." The man she's come to know as John Watson hands her a piece of paper with the address.

A small laugh escapes her lips and she nods.
"You're in luck my dear friend."
"Oh wonderful. Is it nearby?"
"Indeed. Over a few blocks in fact."
The two walk to 221B Baker street and she escorts him in.
"They were expecting me, where could they be?"
As the man and woman walk into the parlor John's eyes widen.
He rushes in and begins attending to the "bleeding" man on the ground.
(Y/n) looks at Sherlock on the ground then looks around confused. "Sherly what have you gotten yourself into?" She mumbles quietly walking over.
"Blasted is that the time?" Sherlock jumps up and checks one of his beakers.
John looks between the two confused.

Thus Sherlock Holmes and John Watson met and began a beautiful friendship.
"His mind is brilliant isn't it? He deduced everything you told me and obviously I didn't have a chance to tell him anything so you know it was all him." (Y/n) comments while the three head to the pub.
"Indeed. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't witness it myself."
"That was all merely child's play." The detective grumbles, hands in his pockets while he walks.

When Mrs. Hudson meets John they instantly get on well, similar to him and (Y/n).
Sherlock was shocked but was happy overall.
Unfortunately the happy moment is ruined by Sherlock being arrested.
(Y/n), along with John and Mrs. Hudson, are taken in for questioning as well.
Upon hearing the details of the case and seeing the crime scene (Y/n) immediately wonders if the Mori group had anything to do with this.
After the two women go back to 221B (Y/n) receives a telegram from the Moriarty manor.
It's a simple message, confirming her inquiries.
"Testing his mind. Burn after reading."

As the days go by and Sherlock has been MIA (Y/n) finally sees his face in the paper, having discovered the real killer of Dreber.
Not only that but when he told her about a mastermind she was shocked at how quickly he realized it.
As the storm calms the four residents at 221B begin a wonderfully chaotic life.
Sherlock goes insane from the idea of a mastermind pulling the strings of London.

Although he is constantly busy he always makes time for breakfast, especially when (Y/n) makes it.
John offers to help the morning after his residency is official but she denies him.
He was thoroughly impressed at her delicious spread though when she finished.
John decided if he wanted to return the favor he would need to be up earlier than her, which is hard sometimes because she wakes early naturally.
When he finally does it was her turn to be pleasantly surprised.
Sherlock won't make meals but he will clean up after.
(Although one time when (Y/n) asked him nicely to help her make dinner he happily agreed.)
(Y/ n) couldn't help laughing when she found John and Sherlock arguing about who would clean the dishes one night.

Little mundane things like this are what make her forget about the deal she made with the devil.
In her honest opinion though the Moriarty group is wonderful.
Over the months she became really close to them all, even Moran.
They help each other out and give each other advice. The group was very impressed how well she handled her business work on her own.

Seeing as how it's a weapons company most people thought it was wrong for a woman to be running the show.
(Y/n) has proven them all wrong.
And because she deals with weapons it was perfect for Herder to set up shop there.
He has definitely helped improve her sales. Herder was the one who suggested Albert make her part of MI6.
The brunette was hesitant for a while, but eventually agreed.
(Y/n) would be cover and recon assist.
Her main building would act as a meeting grounds for the members of MI6.

(Y/n) looks at Moran then Fred who are sitting across from her on the train.
Moran sighs crosses his arms. "I don't see why we had to come. Those two are-"
"I told you why you're coming. Al put you in charge of helping me move things around back in London. Will and Lou are doing their own thing."
"It's still dangerous for us to all be traveling together."
"It's only a few hours. We'll be fine." (Y/n) responds and looks out their car window.

Unfortunately things were not fine.
When (Y/n) went to get something to eat she sat with William and Louis, only to be interrupted by Sherlock.
Their meeting was unexpected and threw William for a loop.
Not only from being seen with (Y/n) but at the sudden rush he receives from Sherlock.
Louis is less then pleased and makes no attempt to hide it.
This fact made the woman mentally panic but outwardly chuckle.

"Fancy seeing you here (n/n). I was under the impression you were visiting Miri today and wouldn't be back till late."
"Oh I did tell John that. I'm sorry. I changed my mind last minute." She lies and laughs softly.
Thankfully the detective couldn't tell it was a lie.
"How do you know Liam?"
"We're business partners and good friends. We actually met on the Noahtic. You remember the ship right?"
"What a coincidence. That's where I met Liam as well."

Before much of anything else can be said the train murder case begins, fully taking Sherlock's attention.
(Y/n) excuses herself and locks herself in the car with Moran and Fred.
"What happened?" Moran inquires.
"A man was murdered. Sherlock, John and Lastrade are on the train. William has agreed to solve the case as a game Sherlock proposed."
Moran sits up straight and pounds his fist on the table. "What?! This is bad news."
Fred remains silent.
"He won't be looking in here since he just thinks it's me so we're safe."
"Damn. This day is turning out to be complete rubbish."

(Y/n) noticed the chemistry William and Sherlock have right away.
Having seen them at the table then seeing William's content demeanor after the case is solved proved her suspicions.
Their friendship has blossomed.
The woman can't help feeling jealous.
To have a relationship as wonderful as theirs would be a blessing.
Although when she remembers Sherlock still considers her a friend she instantly feels better.
Not to mention how honored she is to be considered part of the Mori group now.

(Y/n) sits in the parlor next to the window, staring out at the sky.
Sherlock walks in silently and watches the woman for a while.
Her needle work is excellent considering she isn't looking at what she's doing.
The man frowns and puts his hand on her shoulder.
(Y/n) jumps slightly and looks up. "Lock! Do you need something?"
"What's wrong?"
The woman looks away and smiles softly. "Do you think someday I'll be able to travel?"

"Travel? Where do you wish to go?"
"Switzerland is beautiful this time of year. Mountains and meadows and a comfortable breeze."
Sherlock smiles softly and rubs her shoulders. "I would like to think you could someday."
(Y/n) looks up at his face. "Someday?"
After a few moments of consideration he smiles again.
"I will take you there someday myself."
(Y/n) frowns and crosses her arms. "Is that with or without William?"
The idea had occurred to him but he was shocked to know she figured it out.
"I'll figure that out later." He mumbles and walks away.

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