A World Worth Conquering.

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"Move fatass." King mumbled, groaning as Queen, who had somehow gained back all the weight Admiral Ryokugyu had sucked away, was laying on top of him. Queen burped before rolling over, making some of King's bones crack, and muttering "fucking perv." He yawned and sat up, along with King, before squinting his eyes and seeing Jack, calling out to him, "HEY JACKASS, HOW DID YOU ESCAPE TOO?"

"I. Don't know." Jack mumbled, before looking at the landscape around them, and seeing nothing but jungles. "Hey King, we wouldn't happen to be on top of the Red Line would we?" To which one of King's veins popped out, "I wouldn't know." King sighed, before taking off his mask, and feeling the surprisingly cool breeze make his hair brush over his face.

Queen saw a map on the ground and picked it up, before King asked what it read, "Tasmania? Where the hell even is that?" Queen questioned, before walking down a hill, on a path that lead to a little village. King and Jack followed, not wanting to starve to death.

Once in town, nobody gave them any stares, nobody questioned their weird looks, how abnormally tall they were, or how they dressed. "Mom! Dad! Look, heroes!" A boy cried out to his mom, pointing at the trio, clearly catching the pirates off guard.

Collectively they looked at each other as if to say, "is he talking about us?", but not wanting to draw attention, King simply awkwardly waved and quickly sped along. "Heroes?" Jack questioned, before Queen looked around, and saw old posters of these 'heroes', and wittingly replied "well of course we are Jack! Why wouldn't we be?"

"Oh look, it's a bar. Wanna go check it out?" Queen was already half way through the door by the time he finished asking, so the other two didn't really have a choice.

"This fucking guy.." King mumbled, before placing his helmet down on one of the tables, which was surprisingly large, hell, even the door was big enough for Jack. He looked around the room and eventually his eyes fixated on something, if he remembered correctly from when he was experimented on, was a television. He immediately went on guard, which Queen noticed, and then looked at the television and his eyes popped out.

"WHAAAAAT?!" Queen shouted, not sure what technology was being used to show the moving pictures, gaining the attention of the bartender, who scuffled over to the counter, getting ready to serve the trio. "Oh that's just Stars And Stripes, she's on a mission over here. Didn't you hear about it?" The bartender asked, confused on why what he thought were heroes were shocked to see Stars And Stripes on a screen. The bartender was already back to cleaning the counters, before further adding on "she's probably the number one hero in the world, it's weird that you guys didn't hear about it."

"But we are-" King was cut off by Queen who quickly stated that "we had just come back from our... ship and just read the news! Just surprised is all!" The bartender, still skeptical, sighed, "anything I can get you guys to drink?"

"We are kind of short on money... so no... but if you coul-" Queen's, King's, and Jack's face were mortified when the television switched to breaking news.

Kaido was rampaging in Sydney, Australia. "HOLY SHIT THATS KAI-" Queen stopped himself before asking the bartender where this news was coming from. "That's.. awfully close to here. One ferry ride and you are in Sydney. Too bad Stars And Stripes is on the other side of the country in Perth."

The bartender looked back trying to find the trio of pirates but found nothing.

"I DIDN'T KNOW KAIDO WAS ALIVE!" King shouted, flaring up with his fire, putting on his mask, before speeding up, leaving the other two in the dust.

The bartender watched in dumbfound confusion, as he looked back to the television, where Kaido had already leveled the city, and killed all the heroes in the area. Leaving only the Sydney Opera House, as he started to drink, as the helicopters filming started flying away.

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