In the Flesh?

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Law and Kid were not expecting to see each other at all.

"So how was Elbaf?" Law asked, but Kid just froze. Both he and Killer hung their heads down.

"Got our asses handed to us." Kid said, Law breathed a sigh of relief. Sipping on the milk tea he had ordered for everyone in the crew, he quickly realized he had a problem.

They had no money.

"Hey Ama-ya, how much did the drinks cost?" Law looked at Hirose, who was sipping on her chocolate milk.

"Uhm... I don't know! That's grown up stuff! Jaggy you have money right?"

Kid just looked at Killer then back at Law. He shrugged and sipped on his tea. Law groaned before facepalming. "Fucking hell man."

"So Ama-ya, do heroes respond to petty crimes like thievery? Or do cops do that?" Law asked, tapping his foot on the floor anxiously, looking outside the window for any law enforcement that could be waiting for them to get out of the building.

"Of course they do! Wait you aren't thinking about-." Law quickly used his devil fruit and took them out of the café.

"HEY YOU FORGO-." The cashier yelled before pressing a button under the counter, alerting nearby heroes about the situation that occurred in the café.

As Law and Kid were running with no destination, the were abruptly stopped when a hero landed right in front of them.

"ALL MIGHT!!!" Hirose yelled, to which the hero was surprised.

"And what might you be doing with these troublemakers young lady?" All Might boasted, not in his hero costume, but rather in his civilian clothes, a plain white t-shirt and green cargo pants.

Kid didn't give her any time to respond and immediately started running up to All Might. "I've seen your face everywhere! Are you their champion?!?"

All Might was confused. Did these villains seriously not know who he was? He quickly surveyed the city square and looked for any civilians that might intervene in the fight. Running up to Kid he reeled his fist back and threw a punch at him.

"DETROIT SMASH!" Kid was sent flying into a building on the other side of the city square, and Law just looked up at them. "Room." The rest of their crews, and Amaterasu were quickly teleported to the other side of the town square, to an empty road. All Might noticed, and started running towards Law.

"ROOM." Law created another room, and All Might hesitated for a split second, and Law capitalized on the opportunity. "Takt." He lifted a large chunk of asphalt from the road and dropped it on All Might.

Some spectators just grimaced before they saw All Might push off the rubble, and they cheered again. "WOOO!! GO ALL MIGHT!!" They were quickly escorted by other heroes on the scene.

Kid now got up from the building he had gotten thrown into, rubbing his head, he then shook his head and beat his chest, running back into the battle with his left arm covered in metal. All Might noticed him but it was too late.

"PUNK GIBSON!" Kid slammed his metal fist into All Might's stomach, who then coughed up blood. Law noticed this, and he was almost remorseful, but then again he didn't really have a reason to end the hero's life. "Internal bleeding.." He noted, before forming another room.

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