Truth Or Dare Part 4

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Ali: Okay, let's end this. I have no idea what I ask.

Everyone: *gasp* What!? We can't end it yet! It was just getting really fun...

Sam: No, please! Don't end it here...

Rizka: Yeah, come on Ali! We wanna keep playing!

All the girls: *nods* Please... We'll help you think of more questions later...

Ali: Okay, let's keep playing!

Everyone: Yay!! Thank you so much!! We are ready for another round!

(Everyone looks at Ali, waiting for his next question)

Ali: Okay! Moon, Truth or Dare?

Moon: Truth!

Ali: Okay, do you love Rudy?

Moon: What?! I said I don't like Rudy who look like hedgehog!

(Moon sulking and she make a cute face)

Everyone: *laughs loudly*

(Rudy smiles at Moon and touches her cheek again)

Rudy: *quietly* Moon, you're really cute when you're angry... *smiles*

(Moon tries to resist it but she starts to blush, while everyone laughs more)

(Ali hold his body and laugh)

Moon: *covers her face* Oh come on! I'm not that cute! I'm not!

Rudy: You are very cute, Moon... And I don't think you can deny that...

(Rudy smiles at Moon and puts his hand back on her cheek)

Moon: *blushes really hard* Oh my god... I... I don't know what to say...

Ali: Okay, Rizka! Truth or dare?

Rizka: Dare!

Ali: Okay, make a background love for Rudy and Moon again.

Rizka: Alright, fine... *uses her phone to edit the photo once again*

(Everyone laughs while looking at the new edited photo)

Rizka: I think you two were meant to be together... *smile at them*

(Rizka looks at Moon and Rudy who are just smiling at each other, while everyone laughs at them once again)

Moon: No, Rizka! I'm not loving Rudy!

Rizka: Ah come on, Moon, we all know it's true, don't try to deny it...

(Rizka leans over and whispers something in Moon's ear)

Rizka: It's fine, I won't tell anyone...

(Moon just blushes more and covers her face once again)

(Rudy kiss Moon)

Moon: *blushes deeply and looks away from Rudy* Uh... Rudy, please... Not in front of everyone... It's just a game...

(Rudy leans in again and kisses Moon on the cheek, while everyone laughs)

Rudy: No, it's real... *kisses her again*

(Rudy kisses Moon on the lips for a moment, before eventually stopping)

Moon: *is really embarrassed* Uh... T... That's enough... *holds up a hand to stop Rudy*

Rizka: Okay, my turn! Ali, Truth or dare?

Ali: *wear a thug life glasses and use a cigaratte* Dare!

Rizka: Okay, I will make a background love for Ali and Alicia!

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