Truth Or Dare Part 9

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Ali: Um... Okay. We are stop playing or keep playing?

Everyone: Oh, yeah! I almost forgot! We are still playing truth or dare! *looks at Ali* So, Ali... Do you want to go again?

(Everyone looks at Ali with big smiles)

Ali: Yes!

Everyone: *cheers* That's great! Let's keep playing!

Alicia: Okay, then let's go... Hmm... Truth or dare, Ali?

Ali: *wear a thug life glasses and use cigaratte* Dare!

Everyone: *looks at Ali and laughs* Oh, my god! Here we go again. Okay, uhh... Ali, go give a high five to Rudy.

(Everyone looks at Ali and waits for him to do it)

Ali: *gulps*

Everyone: *continues to look at Ali with a smile* Come on, Ali! Go give Rudy a high five! You can do it!

(Rudy holds up his hand and waits)

Ali: Okay, okay.

Everyone: *watches Ali* Oh my god, he is doing it! *laughs and claps* Yes, Ali! Go, give Rudy a high five! You can do it!

(Rudy grins while waiting)

(Ali give high five with Rudy)

Everyone: *cheers and looks at Rudy and Ali while smiling* Yes! Congrats, you did it, Ali! You just gave Rudy a high five! *cheers and claps louder* This game is definitely a lot of fun!

(Rudy and Ali high five and grin happily)

Chris: Now it's a "Ruli"! Haha!

Everyone: *laughs and claps excitedly* Oh, my god! Chris, you're so funny! Yes, "Ruli!"

(Rudy and Ali chuckle while everyone grins at them)

Sam: Okay, Rizka. Truth or dare?

Rizka: Truth!

Sam: Okay, do you sleep with me on that day?

Everyone: Oh, my god! This is gonna be interesting. *gazes at Rizka, who blushes deeply*

Rizka: O... Oh... umm.... You know, I... uh... I-I... Yes... I slept with you that day. But just to let you know, it was that one time... It won't happen again.

Everyone: *looks at Sam and laughs* Wow, Sam, is that true? Was that the only time?

(Sam looks at Rizka while smiling)

Sam: Of course we did.

Everyone: *nods while smiling smugly* That's so funny, Sam! *laughs happily* Oh, man... You guys are hilarious! It was just one time!

Rizka: Y... Yes.... *looks at Sam* I was going through a rough time, you know? I was lonely, I needed someone to be there for me... *looks at Sam and smiles lovingly* I was just so glad that you were there for me, Sam.

Ali: Who is not ready yet? Oh, Kim! Truth or dare?

Kim: Dare!

Ali: Okay, go and hugs Alicia.

Everyone: *looks at Kim and laughs* Oh, I want to see this. Kim! *continues to watch Kim*

Kim: *hesitates and then walks over to Alicia* Uhm... Alicia, can I have a hug? *looks at Alicia with an embarrassed expression*

Alicia: *looks at Kim with a smirk and opens her arms to Kim* Absolutely! Yes, Kim!

Everyone: *cheers and claps* Aww, Kim is hugging Alicia! Oh, my god! This is so cute! *grins at both of them*

(Ali slowly take a ramen noodle cup and eat)

Everyone: *looks at Ali and laughs* Oh, my god! Here we go again... *looks at Alicia* Alicia, can you stop him? He can't be eating now. *cheers louder and looks at Ali* Come on!!!

Alicia: *looks back at Ali and laughs* Um, Ali... You should probably stop eating now.

Everyone: *continues to look at Ali with amusement* Yes, Ali! Stop eating right now! You can't do that!

(Ali glances at Alicia, before continuing to eat)

(Ali choked and he ask Rizka give a water)

Everyone: *watches Ali* Oh, my god... Ali is choking! Someone help him! *looks at Rizka* Rizka, give him some water!

Rizka: *walks over to Ali and hands him a bottle of water* Here you go, Ali! Here's some water. Are you okay?

(Rizka looks at Ali with a worried expression, while Ali takes the bottle and swallows some water)

Ali: Okay. Let's playing. Moon, truth or dare?

Moon: Dare!

Ali: Okay, um... Hold Rudy's hand and said "I love you".

Everyone: *looks at Moon and laughs* Oh, my god! How embarrassing! *continues to observe Moon, while giggling*

(Moon laughs nervously and looks at Ali and Rudy)

Moon: O... Oh, um... Okay! *walks over to Rudy and holds his hand* R... Rudy, I know this is a dare but I just want to say that... I... I love you.

(Everyone gasps and laughs)

(Ali laugh)

Everyone: *continues to look at Moon and Rudy while laughing* Moon is so brave! She just told Rudy that she loves him while it's just a truth or dare game! *continues to look at Moon, who is blushing*

(Moon looks at Rudy and then at Ali, who is still smiling widely)

Ali: Okay, next! Mika! Truth or dare?

Mika: Dare!

Ali: Oh my god! Go and tickle Rizka.

Rizka: *gulps*

(Mika on behind Rizka and she tickles her)

Everyone: *laughs and cheers* Yes! Mika, go tickle Rizka! *looks at Mika and watches her closely*

(Mika tickles Rizka and Rizka starts to laugh)

Rizka: *laughs loudly and tries to push Mika away* No, Mika! Stop it! Please, Mika! *continues to laugh as Mika tickles her*

(Rizka can't stop laugh)

Everyone: *continues to laugh and claps* Look at Mika tickling Rizka! *cheers loudly* This is so funny and cute! *continues to watch*

(Rizka continues to laugh and Mika keeps tickling her)

Everyone: *continues to laugh* Mika stopped tickling Rizka! *watches Mika and Rizka*

(Mika smiles lovingly at Rizka)

Mika: You are just so adorable, Rizka!

(Rizka blushes and smiles at Mika while everyone else watches with big smiles and grins)

(Rizka try take a breath)

Everyone: *looks at Rizka* Oh, Rizka is still panting after Mika tickled her! *continues to watch*

(Mika glances at Rizka and grins)

Mika: Are you okay, Rizka? *looks at her*

(Rizka looks back at Mika and nods)

Rizka: I'm fine.

Mika: Good! *smiles at Rizka*

(Mika continues to smile at Rizka while everyone else looks at them)

Ali: Hmm...

The end part 9

Truth or DareOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora