Chapter Two: The Boy

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TW ⚠️ Sexual Assault 

There is a boy at the back of Hunter's potion class, he sits in a shadowed, solitary corner. He has pale blue skin, dark blue hair that was cut into a small Mohawk. He has five eyes, three on one side of his face, two on the other. There is a small splotch-like birth mark where is sixth eye should be. He reeked of alcoholic apple blood and arrogance. Ever since the start of the year, he's had his eyes on Hunter. All five of them. 

This boy was named Apopis. He was chaotic as the human realm god he was named after. He wore a hoodie covered in serpents over his school uniform. A serpent suited him, even his tongue was forked. Unlike with Luz, his image of a serpent was manipulative, cruel and took advantage of others. 

Apopis approached Hunter at the end of potions before he left for lunch. "Hey, you look hot with those scars." He said leaning over Hunter. "I- um..." Hunter stuttered looking away. Is this normal or flirting?! What do I do if it's flirting?! Run? 

While he was internally panicking Apopis grabbed his shoulder "Hey pretty boy! Get your head out of the acid clouds!" Hunter snapped back to reality and quickly blurted "I have a girlfriend!" Before rushing to the door. "I know you lying" Apopis hollered after him. Hunter stoped just before the door. "I know you and Willow are 'not ready yet' but I think that's just an excuse. You don't want to date her and she certainly doesn't want to date you."

Hunter didn't know what to say do he just left and never mentioned it to his friends.


Hunter felt guilty the next few days, for questioning her feelings toward him. He was awful. She deserves to date someone better. She'll stay around with me though because she's too kind and doesn't want to hurt me. Maybe if I date someone else she'll be free. 

And one day he approached Apopis... "What's your name? I'm Hunter." He said with no real enthusiasm but Apopis didn't need any. "I'm Apopis. So hot stuff you here cuz you finally realised Willow ain't into you?" Hunter nodded slowly. "Ok, meet me at my house at eight tonight." He said handing Hunter is Penstagram account and address. 


Every weekend Hunter stayed at Eda's house starting Friday evening after school so he didn't have to go far to meet Apopis at his house. The house was single story, made of a beautiful turquoise wood that looked badly damaged. He gently knocked on the splintering door. 

He heard crashes inside before Apopis answered "You're late," he growled "I started without you so catch up." He said handing Hunter an apple blood bottle. "Oh, I don't drink," he said awkwardly "You should, it'll make you feel better... or worse. Which ever you prefer." Apopis responded hollowly.

Hunter stood there for a minute in the door way, as he watched Apopis sit down. He doesn't remember what the inside looked like much because of what happened next. Belos was in the reflection of the alcohol bottle, chanting in is old  echoey voice drink, drink, punish yourself for your failure and drink. It'll make you sick so drink it! Drink, drink, drink...

So he drank, downed the whole bottle in a few minutes, only to be handed a second and a third and a fourth. Time passed quickly and once it passed it felt like it never happened. 


Hunter woke up with the sun the next morning. His head ached, he felt sick and confused. He looked around, remembering he was at Apopis' house and got really drunk. The Belos in the reflection was haunting him the whole night, begging, demanding, persuading him to drink more and more. 

He didn't remember much but her did remember... 

Apopis kissing him- he pushed away- Apopis tried again- he pushed him away again- Apopis tried again and he was took weak to fight back- he begged but Apopis ignored him- he couldn't talk- Apopis forked tongue was in his mouth- he gave up- he sat there till Apopis was bored of kissing- then Apopis left the room- Apopis came back with more drinks- "I can't have you remember our kiss pretty boy. So drink up!" Apopa's whispered. 

That's all that Hunter remembered but at the same time more than what he can handle.

Hunter looked around to see that Apopis was lying on the couch, looking at him. "Well, ya gonna stick around for more or are ya leaving?" "I'm leaving," Hunter answered as he staggered upright. "Wait, w'd'ya remember from last night?" Apopis asked cautiously. "Nothing," Hunter lied before rushing out.


He stumbled home, with a few bottles of apple blood he took for a rainy day. He was tired, felt sick and it was like 4am. He walked on like a zombie, feeling so ashamed that he got drunk, that he wanted to get drunk again and the fact he let Apopis assault him like that. He couldn't let anyone know so he is going to sleep in. 

He hardly dodged being detected by Hooty as he climbed through Eda's kitchen window. Eda was legally his adopted parent but he lived with Camila in the human realm. As he silently crept onto the table and then the floor and then to the living room, he thought he was undetected.

Then a lamp flashed on, Eda sat there holding the lamp's string, in her PJs looking grumpily at him. "Hey kiddo. Why are you finally here at 4am Hunter!?" She shouted exasperated. Hunter's old conditioning kicked in and he kneeled before Eda. "I'm so sorry ma'am. I- I failed to abide by your rules-" he started hollowly before Eda interrupted "Hunter! You don't have to act like that here. Just tell me why you are home so late?" After a pause Eda spoke again "You smell like apple blood."

"I'm so sorry Eda!" Hunter cried "Please don't tell anyone, especially Camila!" "What about don't tell Eda..." she grumbled "Anyway I won't tell anyone. Do you have any more alcohol?" "Yes." He responded curtly. "Right, give it here." She sighed.

When he handed her the two bottles, she opened one right away and started drinking. "Now, as your parent I should punish you. Now don't freak out, I'm not upset and I won't be like Belos. It's just we don't want you drinking again so... let's see... I want you to rest for now but at noon we're cleaning this house. And you ain't going anywhere this weekend."

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