Chapter Three: You Have a Problem

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Two weeks Hunter has avoided Apopis while he craved alcohol. He was sinking into a very deep pit. He felt a horrible shame and guilt that kept adding up. He was a burden to his friends and family because of his PTSD, it was his fault that Flapjack was dead and now he was a drinker and was sexually assaulted. 

Apopa's made him feel extra horrible but he felt he deserved it and it was his only way he could cope without Willow knowing that he had betrayed her. He made a horrible, stupid, idiotic plan driven by his burdensome emotions. 

At the end of the school day he ran home, not waiting for Luz, took the bus into town and convinced an older kid in the park to buy him some vodka. He got some wild berry juice and headed to Apopis' house.


He knocked on the door, hyping himself up for what he was going to do. Apopis answered, with a surprised but victorious voice he said "Hey cutie... you woke me up. So whatcha got in the bag?" He looked down at the bag grinning as Hunter stuttered out "I got v-vodka and um juice." "Nice! You did good pretty boy." Hunter blushed before a wave of guilt washed over him. I'm cheating on Willow... just start drinking and you'll forget. 

Hunter allowed himself to be guided to the messy kitchen. It was small, smelled like vomit, the sink was filled with dirty dishes and empty apple blood bottles were scattered around. Apopis opened a cupboard and pulled out two shot glasses and a large pitcher. "Hottie, put your juice in the pitcher then the vodka and save some for shots." Hunter couldn't think of a reply so he obediently did as he was asked. 

Soon they were drinking the vodka fruit juice and playing a drinking game. "Ok, take a shot if you've kissed a girl?" Apopis asked. Hunter took a shot. "What about a guy?" Hunter slowly picked up the glass and took a shot. Apopis curiously asked to test what Hunter remembered "you'd ya kiss?" "You," Hunter said looking down embarrassed. "So you remember?" Apopis said now also suddenly fascinated by the floor. "Mhm" "Do you want to kiss again?" Before responding Hunter grabbed the alcohol pitcher, downed the last bit. "Ok," he said wiping his mouth. 

The rest of the night was a blur, he just knew there was a lot kissing, a bit of biting then more kissing and finally, lots of vomiting. After he was coming to his senses, Hunter left Apopis to vomit his guts up alone while he staggered home, to the human realm. 

He squirmed through the small basement window that sat just above the ground at the back of the house. Once through he vomited then passed out. Only to wake up in his bed, in a fresh pair of PJs, a bottle of water and a pill laid on the dresser next to him. At the end of the bed sat Camila with a sad look. Hunter stiffened quickly, bracing for the abuse that never came. After a minute he broke down into tears. "Shh honey, it's ok." Camila comforted, scooting towards him slowly. "Take this," she said handing him the pill and water from the dresser "it'll help with the hangover." I'd take it if you told me it was poison. I'm sorry for failing you. 

"Hunter, you have a problem." Was the last thing he heard before the world around him faded away, he was in space, a vacuum that was trying to crush him and drain him of air. He breathed in gasps, it felt as though he was being smothered. The crushing feeling worsened as his organs started to protest. They burned, they moved like they wanted to rip themselves out of him.

After went felt like an eternity of Hunter feeling certain that the feeling wouldn't stop until he was dead he started feeling cool. And wet. Water? Water. And Luz. He could see the world around him again. Luz was pouring water on his forehead and hair. "I-I I'm so sorry!" He sobbed, the water running off his face mixing with his tears. "I cheated- IcheatedonWillow!" 

"What?!" Luz cried confused "how? you aren't dating each other yet." "Do you know the kid Apopis? We- we kissed but I-I told Willow I'd date her." He cried hopelessly. "Slowdown, we'll talk more in a minute Hunter first my mom wants to talk with you." Luz said and Hunter just noticed that Camila was sat on the bottom step of the basement stairs. 

It was going to be a long day.

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