Chapter Seven: The Girl vs. The Boy

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The school bell rings and Hunter hastily leaves class to avoid Apopis. He goes off to find Willow, who he was officially dating! The thought filled him with joy. He was so distracted he didn't notice Apopis following him. 

He was outside at the side of the school where they always meet up. He was the first there. Hunter pulled out his scroll too busy himself while he waited but his senses alerted him to someone approaching. He saw Apopis coming over. 

"Heyy hot stuff. You've been avoiding me... that's not very nice~" He said as he put his hands either side of Hunter's head, leaning on the wall. 

Hunter shifted nervously. "Apopis, c-can you back up... please?" But Apopis didn't move, instead he lean forward and started kissing Hunter. He tried to push him away but to no avail. "S-top! Pl-ase."

Suddenly an eruption of vines burst out of the ground at the boys feet. Cruel, spiky, twisted vines threw Apopis away from Hunter into the dirt. Soft vines lifted Hunter off the ground into a safe bundle. 

Willow was glaring angrily at Apopis as she stepped over to him like a predator ready to strike. "You! You can't go around sexually assaulting people!!" She yelled at the boy bound on the ground in front of her. She kicked him in the gut then lowered herself to his face, preparing to punch his face in. She has never felt this angry. 

She brought her fist down hard on his face. A loud crack sounded and blood poured from his nose. "Gah!! Get off! I'll leave him alone just get offa me!" He cried as she punched him again. 

"You didn't stop when Hunter asked!" She had tears streaming down her face as she was filled with emotion.

Then Hunters voice echoed across the field. "Willow!" His world going fuzzy as he sank into a panic attack. Willow's rage vanished immediately after she heard that. She sprinted over to Hunter and hugged him. 

"It's ok Hunter I'm here," She said as she rubbed his back. "Can you hear me?" Hunter nods. Then she starts asking him more simple questions until he's calmed down.

Apopis ran off, holding his bleeding nose and crying. He wouldn't be messing with Willow or Hunter for a while.

Soon the others arrived. The group gather around the couple. After Hunter was cheered up a bit they kids headed home. Willow had something planned with her dads so she couldn't hang out today. Luz took Hunter back home. 


"Are you ready?" 

"Not really but just kick it." 

Luz kicked the soccer ball and it came hurtling towards Hunter. With his quick natural reflexes he stopped and kicked the ball back. The kick was a bit messy but it filled Hunter with excitement.

Luz kicked the ball towards him again. This one hit him in the gut. He wheezed sarcastically "Fun game Luz. Certainly takes my mind off stuff."

Next Luz played goalie in the backyard as Hunter practiced shooting. He was quickly improving. 

"Woo! I it again!" Hunter gloated as he scored. 

"Oh yeah? You try blocking my kicks!" Luz and Hunter switch. Soon both are sweating messes as they get really competitive. "I win!!"

"That's not fair, you're human. You've been playing this game forever!" 

"You're older!" 


"Ah! Whatever, so do you want to join a team? I've never liked playing soccer competitively but you'd probably like it," Luz suggested and Hunter nodded eagerly. "I'd love to! How do I join a human team?"


Next chance they got Camila took Hunter to get cleats and shin guards and to sign him up on a YMCA team. 

Hunter put on his Emerald Entrails shirt. He wanted to wear his skirt out but was too afraid so he puts off some cargo shorts. 

They set out. Hunter got some cool lighting yellow cleats and matching shin guards. Then they signed him up for a team called Blue Tigers. 

His first practice was Wednesday after school. But more exciting was tomorrow was Hunter and Willow's first date!

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