Chapter Six: Sunflower Shirts & Skirts

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This chapter was inspired by a beautiful fan art from Reddit so go look at it! I tired to add the image at the top but it wouldn't work on my iPad. 😭 If you know how that'd be appreciated.

Hunter thanked the Titan that it was the weekend and he wouldn't have to worry about seeing Willow or Apopis... or so he thought. Luz of course made last minute plans to invite their friends over to the Owl House to sew. Luz recently discovered magic sewing machines and so of course wanted to try it. She also wanted Hunter to talk to Willow but at the moment he rather drown in his breakfast cereal.

Hunter was in his PJs in the living room of the Owl House, eating breakfast when Luz burst in the house, with her mom, both carrying a big box and a bag of fabric. They unpacked while Hunter went upstairs to get dressed. When he came downstairs Luz had set up an entire studio in the living room. Camila waved goodbye to them and left for her date with Eda and Raine. Just as she shut the door Hunter heard her say to Hooty "Make sure you keep an eye on Hunter."

Over the next thirty minutes their friends started showing up, first Amity then Gus and Willow. 

"Hunter!" Willow said hugging him "I feel like it's been ages since we got to hang out." 

"Yeah, sorry about that," he chuckled. You've been avoiding her you cowardly jerk.

The friends started sewing. Only Hunter and Luz knew how to sew but it took them a minute to adjust to using magic sewing machines. They also had to help the others. Amity caught on quick, while Gus' machine caught on fire. Hunter was helping Willow. She was certainly better than Gus but definitely not a natural. 

Willow showed Hunter the pattern she chose to sew. It was a cute off the shoulder top and a matching skirt. She picked out a sunflower material. "Hunter, you're great at this! Can you help me... I think I sewed the back and front together," Willow chuckled. Hunter couldn't help but blush at Willows cute confusion. 

"I'll grab the seam ripper."


A few hours later, Hunter and Willow finished their project. Willow changed into the shirt but the skirt didn't fit her. "Hunter you try the skirt."

"Oh ok..." Hunter said nervously then tired it on. It fit perfectly and he loved how it looked in him. He looked in the mirror to see Belos glaring at him. Some boy you are. 

"Aww! Hunter you look beautiful," Willow said. Hunter blushed as a wave of guilt came over him. He did not deserve her praise after what he did with Apopis. 

He zoned out looking at the mirror. He saw Belos and Apopis is the mirror both taunting him. Fag! Disappointment! Willow noticed "Hunter? Hey!" She waved her hand in front of his face. He focused back her with a guilty face. "What's up hon?"

"Willow, I have something I need to tell you in private." So the two teens left the room just as Gus set fire to his sewing machine again. 

They sat down in Hunters room. Willow snuggled close to him on his bed but Hunter pushed away, feeling guilty.

"Willow, have you met a kid named Apopis?"

"... Is he the one with five eyes?" Willow asked. And Hunter nodded. "He seems like a bit of a jerk." Then Hunter told her everything. About Apopis, them kissing, the drinking and his guilt. Once he was done, Willow hugged him tightly. "Hunter, thank you for telling me this. But you don't have to feel guilty, we never said we were exclusive or anything and it sounds like Apopis pressured you into doing certain things," Willow comforted him expertly. 

"Thanks. Willow I also realised that I want to date you for real. I want us to be exclusive," Hunter said nervously blushing. 

"Hunter, I'd love that." The two start kissing gently. But soon they pick up to more passionate kissing. "Hunter, you are soon pretty in your skirt~"  She says her hand sliding underneath it slightly. She was going slow, making sure he was comfortable. He blushed profusely as she held him. She wrapped them up in a bed of vines and flowers.

"T-thanks. I like matching you like thiss." He whole face was pink at this point. Willow is perfect.

The teens kissed for a few more minutes. Willows tongue in Hunters mouth as she held him closely. Her hand continued slowly up his skirt. "Stop there for now please," He said nervously as her hand was just below where his boxers started. She stopped, holding her hand where is was. 

"Is this ok?" He nodded. They kissed a bit more before coming to a natural stop. They rejoined the group to help Gus, who was still struggling and Luz was in laughing on the ground at his struggles.


Willow sat in her room, still wearing her new flower top. She blushed at the picture she took of Hunter in his skirt.  

But she couldn't help but feel a little upset that Hunter kissed someone else. She knew it didn't mean he liked her any less. Mainly she was angry at Apopis for what he did to Hunter. If he ever touched Hunter again she'd feed him to her carnivorous plants!

The rage burned in her chest. Hunter had so much stuff to deal with and he didn't need Apopis making it worse! She stormed outside and turned her angry energy to giant thorny vines that erupted from the ground. 

They twisted into monster like creatures that could rip an ordinary witch, limb from limb. But eventually she calmed and the beast vanished. 

Just focus on Hunter, not Apopis. She told herself, going back to look at her picture of Hunter.

Thanks for reading. I know it's been a while since I wrote anything. I hope you enjoyed this! And I hope this was a cute chapter. I appreciate any feedback you guys have. 

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