BL | Chapter 6

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Nikki Crawford:

I didn't know him enough to take a gift from him, But he left me no choice other than accepting it. I thanked him but, I knew there was something definitely going on in his mind.
He was messing around with my head big time; gave me a pet name, an expensive gift and now he's taking us all to Miami on his expenses.
I mentally slapped myself because, this friendship thing is happening too fast.
Two more weeks and then he'll be gone from my life forever...

I placed his expensive gift in my bag pack, there's no way I was gonna wear it to get other people's attention.
Nobody ever gave me such expensive gift ever.
I wondered what Mom would say after looking at it, she will definitely not gonna approve it.


The boarding time was 2:30 pm and after all the check-in process, we entered the most luxurious megaship, Royal Siesta Express. It'll sail out to the next home port and then to Bermuda and Caribbean.

My eyes practically bulged out while looking at it.
I must say it's a one mighty ship, having some beautiful interiors and it has been built under consideration with the latest technologies.
It had an open air deck up at the top so, that people can lay out, also a big swimming  pool, a mega sized lounge containing two bars and thousands of rooms. The ultra megaship screamed money and luxury..

We made our way to the reception area and then Derek talked with this hot blonde receptionist. She was directly flirting with him, he's really handsome and I don't blame the blonde girl...
Anyway, he gave us our room keys and told us to make ourselves comfortable at our rooms and to meet at the bar after one hour.


I caught a glimpse of my suite, it looked like a royal princess bedroom, everything looked beautifully furnished and mighty fine. Putting my bag on the side table, collapsing on the royal bed and I closed my eyes.
And, It happened to me again..

Everytime I closed my eyes, scorching dark brown eyes looked intensely at me..... as if there were numerous questions in those eyes.

I can't let him in... I've been so afraid of getting myself hurt again and it's hard to trust someone again..
I already knew that mom and shane were looking out for me, they already made me aware of his bad boy charms. I knew he was a player and there were bunch of hot models lined up for him. Then, why would he want an invisible plain-jane like me?

Get over the fact Nik that, there wasn't anything going on between the two of us... Stop overthinking it.

I didn't know how to be distant with him because like I've heard that before; The more you try to resist something, the harder you would fall for it.
So yeah! I won't resist this attraction thing or friendship or whatever.

I started repeating this mantra on my head,
Two weeks.. two weeks... two weeks... Two weeks and then he'll be gone.

I mentally slapped myself to pull that gear of my head, then went to take a long shower, that would've definitely helped clearing my mind as well.


I came out of the shower and wrapped the towel on my body, when I heard the knock on the door.

"Yess? Who's there?",

"Your worst nightmare! Now will you please open the damn door Nik?", She answered.

"Let me change first.", I sighed.

"Oh you shy little girl! I'm not going to molest you while you're changing.", She replied sarcastically.

Arguing with her is more like banging the head on the wall.
I sighed, then opened the door in my semi naked condition, as she gave me that angry- bull-look expression.

"What? You are one crazy woman, Alice.", I said.

"I need to talk to you!", She exclaimed.

"About what? You look mad, Is everything okay between you and Shane?" I asked her.

"We're more than okay. It's you Nikki. What the hell's wrong with you?" She looked worried.

"What have I done?" I gave her an irritated expression.

"You've been acting really strange these days. What's happening between you two?"

"What are you talking about?"
I know what she meant, but I'm playing innocent purposefully.

"Don't try to be smart and stop playing dumb with me, you little minx. I'm talking about Derek".

"What about us? We're just friends." I started changing, putting my pink top on and then picked my denim shorts to wear.

"Shane and I are getting really worried for you Nik. I need you to tell me if you're starting to develop some tingling feelings for Derek?"

"Why would you say that? You already know how much I avoid getting into relationships."

"Oh yeah? Then, Why did you accept that expensive diamond necklace from him? And, I saw the way he looked at you, He's not the Derek I know", She said putting her hands on her waist.

"Really? Tell me about him? Because the Derek I know is one heck of a jackass who absolutely loves crushing woman's heart, A gift from him is not a big problem."

She arched an eyebrow at me then said, "Well... It is! He never bought a gift for any girl until you."

"Wait? What? How do you know that?" I was really shocked.

"Shane ofcourse. Shane also told me that he was asking about you.", She told me then smirked.

Oh no..
"What did he say? Please, Don't tell me Shane told him my story? "

"It's not his story to tell. And, you already know Shane won't tell him anyway because he's your friend too."

"I know he won't. But, still I...." I was about to say something when she interrupted.

" C'mon Nikki! Stop with the 'buts' already." She sighed then further continued, changing the topic,
" Hey!! Let's go to the pool side after having some drinks at the bar? We need to have some fun and I would love to see you in your hot red bathing suit!" Alice exclaimed.

She can't argue with me anymore on this matter.
"Sure! We'll go, but I'm not gonna wear that. I'll prefer to wear something more comfortable", I rolled my eyes at her.

"Whatever babe. See you at the bar ."

With that she left my room and I started doing my makeover, applying light pink shimmer on my eyes, covering with a mascara, pink lipstick and light pink blush gave a soft touch to my skin.

Locking my room, I made my way to the elevator and pushed the button that lead to the first floor.
I searched my bag for my phone to text Alice, soon realising that I had dropped my room keys somewhere, panic started building in me and then, I stopped at my floor again and started searching for my keys at the corridor passage.

"Are you looking for these?" A voice caught my attention, my eyes widened whilst looking at a very tall and extremely good looking guy strolling towards me. He looked like a Calvin Klein model, having broad shoulders with dark brown hair and stunning grey eyes.

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