++ Group Partner ~-~ Chapter 1! ++

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~- I hope you like the first chapter! -~


*+ Muichiro's POV +*

I walked through the halls lonely as ever. As I was walking I heard three girls giggling while pointing at me. I just scoffed and speed-walked to class.

I had never been liked in school... though I never knew why. I had never had any friends before. Besides my older brother Yuichiro who died in a car crash along with my parents. I've been living alone ever since.

It isn't so bad having no friends. In my mind, no friends equaled no drama or stress. I saw a group of guys staring at me and laughing when one of them said something. I walked even faster. I eventually made it to my homeroom, I sat down in the back, hoping to be unbothered. 

Something hit my head. I looked at it as it landed on my desk. It was a piece of paper. I looked around to see who threw it and I already knew it was the girl group from earlier because they were giggling. I looked down at the piece of paper and opened it.

~Cut your hair you little loser and then you might have more friends and not be so lonely~

I crumpled the paper up and threw it off my desk onto the floor. Sure... sometimes it was hard having no one to turn to or hug when times were hard but at least I didn't pretend who I was to fit in...

I looked up when I heard the sweetest laugh... Tanjiro's. He had dark red burgundy hair and red burgundy eyes with the sweetest smile anyone could ever imagine. He was popular... and my crush. He was the opposite of me though, outgoing, liked, extrovert, and attractive. Everything I wasn't.

So of course I already knew I didn't have a chance with him. So what is the point in trying? There's not. I would just stare at or admire him during class since we had every period together.

Our homeroom teacher walked in and everyone went silent. After she collected all the homework, she set them down and went up to the front of the class to announce something.

"Okay class, we have a group project," Ms. Barnes announced. 

"I call to be grouped up with Tanjiro!" A girl with a side ponytail screamed, I looked over to Tanjiro to see his reaction. I held back a laugh when it looked like he stiffened and was uncomfortable with that.

"Sorry Ms. Tsuyuri, but I will be choosing partners."

"But Ms.Barnes!-"

"No ma'am, I already chose them so sit down. Now!" The girl with the side ponytail sat down while groaning.

"First, Kanao and Brian."

Brian was one of the boys who normally bullied me. He hated me but had no reason for it. It was unfair to me.

"Chad and Charles."

They were a part of the group that bullied me. Again they had no reason for it, they just did it to fit in with every other fake person in this damn school.

"Aoi and Inosuke."

"Oh c'mon!" Aoi whined, and I don't blame her. Inosuke was very reckless. But I had nothing against the two because they never bothered me. They never even laughed at me. Which I guess is good.

"Zenistu and Genya."

"This whine baby? Seriously?" Genya was annoyed just as much as Zenistu was.

"No name calling Mr.Shinazugawa." Genya only shoved me once but then left me alone. Weird... Zenistu never gave to shits for me though so I had nothing against him.

"Nezuko and Rekelle."

Nezuko was the sister of Tanjiro, so she was just as popular and probably had no clue I existed as well. And Rekelle was part of that girl group who through the paper at me earlier and giggled at me in the halls. Dammit did I hate Rekelle...

"Lastly, Tanjiro and Muichiro."

The whole class turned to look at me in shock and disgust. Some but most jealously. Tanjiro seemed happy though... why was he happy about being paired up with ME?! I was a loner a loser.

"Alright, pair up with your partner and I'll start explaining what you'll be doing."

I was too embarrassed to get up. But Tanjiro didn't seem to notice since he just gracefully walked over to me and sat next to me in the chair no one else used. 

"Hey, Muichiro right?" How did he even get my chair right? I would expect him to not even know who I was, let alone where I sat. I expected him to object and request a different partner.

"Y-Yea..." I didn't have to ask him his name, no one did.

"Okay everyone, silence! You guys will be creating a science project about planets, of course, that includes dwarf planets so today all you will be discussing will be what planet you're choosing," great... more talking.

Tanjiro turned to me excitedly. "What planet are we gonna do? Have any ideas?"

"Wh-what... um, are the dwarf planets? I- don't... pay attention..."

He smiled and answered, "Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea."

'So he's smart too?' I nodded and thought for a while. Suddenly my mind was filled with questions.

I turned to Tanjiro, "Why ARE you excited to be partnered up with me of all people?"

He wasn't expecting the question but, answered it anyway. "How about we talk about that during lunch?"

"With your loud group? No."

He laughed, "Alright, now that I think of it I never saw you in the cafeteria, where do you eat?"

"R-Rooftop..." He nodded, "Then we'll talk there!" He was so excited for the wrong reasons. Who would want to talk to me?? He's too popular to be hanging out with me! Wait- he said he never 'saw' me in the cafeteria... was he looking for me???

I turned red at the thought. 

"Ah- Muichiro are you alright?! You're red!"

"H-Huh, oh yeah I'm fine..."

"Okay, now," He chuckled, "Which planet?"

"E-Eris sounds... interesting."

He nodded and wrote it down, "Great! We'll do Eris then," "Wait why-"

"Questions at lunch."

"But why-"

"At lunch okay?" He laughed again, but not at me... it was a different kinda laugh. A laugh I liked for once.

"Okay class everyone got their planets?" Everyone nodded.

"You guys will start research tomorrow," Ms.Barnes dismissed the class, the Tanjiro turned to me. I noticed pink dust on his face, 'He's probably embarrassed about me...'

"Wanna sit together in the next class?" Tanjiro suddenly asked.

"H-Huh??" I wasn't expecting that...

"Wanna sit together again? I liked talking to you."

He laughed again.


~- So what do you think? I hope you like it. Sorry, this is short <3 -~

*+~ Words: 1072 ~+*

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