++Shocked or Flustered? ~-~ Chapter 7 ++

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                                                                              --At School A Day Later--

+-(Tanjiro's POV)-+

I walked into school that morning still in slight shock from what happened and still processing it as well. I hadn't told anyone what happened as I had assumed Mui wouldn't want that just out there. 

Knowing him it probably took A LOT of confidence. Therefore, I wouldn't tell anyone unless he gave me the nod.

I touch my lips, still able to feel his soft ones against mine. I reached my locker and sighed in disappointment when I noticed Kanao and her friends approach me. That kiss made me realize some things... I had decided to tell Kanao to stop and that I wasn't into girls.

I wondered how she would react, considering the fact she tried so hard it was embarrassing. 

"Hey, Tanji-" I interrupted her not wanting to beat around the bush anymore. I had tried giving off hints I wasn't interested. But I wouldn't be here if she had understood them.

"Look. Kanao... You're an amazing person and all-," This time I was interrupted by her squealing, "Tanji! Are you asking  me out!?" She said her face brightening and her friends giggling behind her...

Damn... this was going to be hard now. With everyone's eyes on us due to her loud squeaky squealing, it was embarrassing. Because once again she missed the hint and guessed it as something completely different.

 And two, I didn't like publicly letting someone down, or embarrassing them...

I sighed as I realized I had no choice, "No... Im not Kanao."

She gave me a confused look, "Then are you asking me on a date, at all?"

"No. Im trying to tell you something-," I was interrupted... again.

"That you have feelings for me!?" She brightened again. Jeez... she was making it harder on both sides. I wanted to cry at how naive she was being. I looked to my side to notice a crowd had started forming, whether it was of sympathy or cocky looks, some knew she was about to be rejected.

One face I knew especially, was Muichiro's smirk as he was trying to hide his laughter with his hand as he was the only one who knew I was gay. He knew what was coming so I couldn't blame him.

I looked back at her with a frown, "No, Kanao. IM trying to ask you to stop. That I don't like you like that, I wish I could tell you why but I won't."

Her face fell, and her friends stopped giggling to give me death glares. The crowd wasn't that surprised as if expecting the outcome.

The crowd slowly disappeared as she processed what just happened, her frown turned into a glare as she glanced at Muichiro who had his back turned not paying attention to doing something in his locker. She knew it had something to do with him. And she was envious of it, she looked back at me and smirked then walked away.

I wondered what she was planning as she walked away. It couldn't be good. I took my phone out spewing a quick plan of my own. I texted Nezuko. As she most likely saw or already heard of what happened.

                                                                      ---^-v-^ TEXT ^-v-^---

<3 Tanjiro <3 : 'Hey Nez? Heard of what happened yet?'

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