++ Talk and Presentation ~-~ Chapter 8 ++

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<3 I want to make this at least a 30-chapter story, but I'm not sure. Thoughts? <3


[Tuesday in their world]

(After Muichiro was dropped off)

+*~ Mui's POV ~*+

I watched from my window as Tanjiro left my apartment building. He's off. Maybe Im overthinking it? Yeah, I probably am...

I sighed and changed out of my school clothes into a comfy hoodie and sweatpants. I decided to order takeout since I hadn't gone grocery shopping. I order off of Doorfast (Their obvious version of DoorDash).

Once I got my meal, I ate and yawned as I sprawled out tiredly on the couch, accidentally falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning and stretched as I repeated my morning routine until I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Tanjiro. He smiled, "Ready to go?" He asked as if I knew he was coming. Odd...

I grabbed my backpack and nodded. Sure his behavior was weird, but I didn't mind him walking me. Plus I felt safer and happier with him around anyway. So, it wasn't a big deal.

We make it to school and gather our finished project for the presentation. We head to the class proud of what we had. Me and Tanjiro work well together honestly. The model looked really good as well as the board of information.

I looked at Tanjiro to see if I could notice anything off to confirm my assumptions.

He was smiling like normal. But something in the pit of my stomach told me he was hiding something that was bothering him. I tried to ignore the feeling and looked away.

We entered Ms.Barne's class and sat down at our normal spots and our teacher started the presentation. We went first, and after we finished we were sure we had passed by the smile on Ms.Barne's face.

Which quickly turned into a frown when it was Brian and his partner's turn yet no project in sight. Of course, they got a lecture detention, and so on.

Everyone else did their presentation and the first period was already over. 

The rest of the day Tanjiro still didn't leave my side, something was up but I still didn't question it. As expected he walked me home, while we were walking I noticed he was looking behind us a lot. As if he were being paranoid someone was following us.

"Tanjiro, what's going on with you?" I asked.

He turned his attention to me, "Nothing. What makes you say that?"

I frowned at him, and he sighed as he spoke, "Don't worry your little head about it. It's not that important anyway."

"Promise?" I side-eyed him, "I promise," He smiled his signature smile. 

"Okay... you better not be lying," I said, turning my head to face him as we walked with a frown.

He hesitated, "Im not. I promise."

I nodded trying to believe my crush and the boy I kissed last weekend. I wanted to trust him. I cared for him a lot. Of course, I had no clue if he felt the same but that didn't matter. I was going to trust him because he told me to.

Soon enough we reached the elevator and walked to my door after the elevator opened. We walked to my apartment and I unlocked the door looking back at Tanjiro who was turning to leave.

"Tanjiro?" He turned around to face me, "Yeah?"

"You promise you're not lying... right?" I asked with my doe eyes that always seemed to affect him, he cleared his throat, "I promise, Mui."

I blushed at the nickname, as I watched him walk away until the elevator doors hid him from view. Regardless I watched it feeling confused and uneasy. I snapped out of my thoughts when a sweet voice spoke, "Tokito, dear! Hello, did you just arrive home?"

I turned into a rather old later in her early-80's. Mrs. Swittensmith. She was my neighbor, and we had grown quite close since we both lived alone. She had 3 kids who had moved out a long time ago, and her husband was out working most of the day leaving her by herself.

"Yes ma'am. I did. I was just about to head to the grocery store, wanna join?" I asked looking down at the short woman.

She happily nodded and grabbed her pocketbook. She drove us to the grocery store and began shopping. A few hours later we left with the required items and headed home. I helped her fill her fridge with the groceries she bought and went back to my apartment to fill my own.

After I finished I went to my bedroom changed into soft pajamas and climbed into bed yawning.  I soon fell asleep covered by the warm weighted duvet.


I woke up to a call from the school. I answered, "Hello?" I said in a soft raspy voice from having just woken up. 

They informed me that school was canceled for the day due to confidential reasons, it was weird but I didn't complain. I hated school. So I would take any day off I could. The only downside is that I won't be able to see Tanjiro today. Ironically, as I thought of him, I got a text from him.

                                                                   ---^-v-^ TEXT ^-v-^---     

<3Tanjiro<3: 'Hey, heard about the school situation?'

[: Muichiro [: 'Yeah, wanna come over?' 

Why would I ask that?.... I dunno. I wanted company and he was just the perfect person for that.

<3Tanjiro<3: 'Sure, I'll just have to tell Mom, and then I'll be on my way over.'

                                                                   ---^-v-^ IRL ^-v-^---

I flopped back into bed trying to patiently wait. While I was waiting I went ahead and brushed my teeth. And, of course, I got back in bed.

Soon there was a knock on the door and I went to open it and saw my favorite person. Tanjiro. He had a white T-shirt on, that matched with a Black jacket and normal jeans.

Meanwhile, I was still in pajamas, unbrushed hair, and probably looked a mess.

He chuckled at my appearance, "Can I come in?" I nod and step aside for him to enter and close the door behind him.

He turned to me while smiling his iconic smile, I spoke first, "Can we... talk?"

"Sure," he said. I led him to the couch and sat down. "Well... can we make it official? Or something...?" I asked quietly, obviously hoping his answer was yes. I was avoiding eye contact because I was embarrassed to ask such a question.

I could still notice him brighten from the corner of my eyes...


<3 Hiiii. I can't believe I stopped writing for MONTHS. I forgot how amazing it is lol <3

+*~Words: 1085~*+

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