++ Beat up ~-~ Chapter 4! ++

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-~* I love this photo TvT *~-


*+- Tanjiro's POV -+*

Once I made it to school I searched for Muichiro to start speaking about the project.

I found him trying to reach something in his locker, he was trying to grab a book placed too far up for his height, I laughed and grabbed it easily. He turned around with a pout on his face. 

"Here," I handed him the book and he snatched it, I chuckled again.

"So unfair," He mumbled.

"Cuz you're short?" He shot me a glance and grinned.

"At least I'm not a giraffe!" I laughed at his attempt.

"Cute attempt Muichiro," He grumbled.

We walked to homeroom together and sat in the same spots as yesterday. We started talking about what model we would choose for the project.

"Hmm, wanna do a 3D model?" I asked.

"I- er, have never been good at painting."

"No worries! I'll paint, and you do the research," He nodded.

The teacher walked in and collected the homework as normal. She reannounced what we were doing today. So after she was done me and Muichiro started on the research. Eris wasn't too complicated so it was pretty easy.

"How much information do we need?" Muichiro asked.

"Umm, Ms.Barnes said at least 5 answers to the questions she wrote on the board. And which she wrote 10."

"O-Okay, jeez. How much have we got down so far?"

"Two..." I answered realizing.

"Oh c'mon!" I laughed at Muichiro's reaction.

"Don't worry we'll fly through it, it's not that hard."

"That's easy for you to say," Muichiro whined.

After we got the last 3 answers Muichiro wanted to do the rest while I started on the model, and I agreed.

"Okay class, that's time. You will continue tomorrow," Ms.Barnes announced.

"So tomorrow then?" Muichiro asked. I nodded putting up the papers we wrote the information on. The next period was Art so I was excited.

I walked Muichiro to the next class, and we sat next to each other again. The art teacher walked in happy as ever.

"Alright Class! Today we are doing something fun!" Ms. Creek announced.

"You guys are going to pick names from a cup and whoever you get, you have to paint what your perspective is of them!"

Ms. Creek grabbed a bowl with pieces of paper in it. She passed it around and soon enough it was my turn. So I grabbed a piece of paper and opened it to see got... Brian. Really?? Of all people??

I sighed and got to work on an idea that was sure to be payback. I already knew about the things he had done to Muichiro. So I needed to teach him a lesson. 

After a few minutes, everyone was done. 

"Uhh, Tanjiro?"

"Yes, Muichiro?"

"Why did you draw... trash?" Muichiro asked confused.

"Cuz I got Brian."

"Tanjiro no! He'll just beat me up more!"

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