Chapter 1

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     I was the only one of the crew to survive. We were fishing far from home when a storm hit us. I still have the screams of my classmates in my head.

     After being shipwrecked, I arrived at a rather curious island. Not understanding their language, I have not been able to do anything to communicate with them, but through signs, they have told me something related to three, maybe three days of sleeping?

     I asked them for something to write on and they offered me a papyrus and a feather with a little box. What could it be? Again, with signs I asked how it was used, it was difficult for them to understand what I wanted to say.
     And here I am, writing my thoughts. I need to stay sane, remember that I am a survivor and that I have lost my companions.
     Will I ever be able to return home? I think about my wife and children, believing that I am dead and not being able to bury my body.

     I have to find a way to get back home


    When I managed to compose myself, the women helped me get comfortable with typical clothing of the island, completely white tunics that seemed not to be the material where they came from.

     I didn't even know that there was something beyond the sea that we always went to fish.
     Everything here is too green and there are completely new people for me. Some of them have intense red, yellow hair, others have slanted eyes. It is not something common in my town, people are different here. Maybe there are more towns that have not been discovered yet and they are travelers? Furthermore, there are no elderly people and there are very few children. Do they not survive as long as they seem? It doesn't surprise me knowing that not everyone ages, but it is surprising that they are so perfect. That is to say, do they not contract diseases? Do they have any cures that we haven't discovered yet?

     Something strange that I have also noticed is a strange mark on his throat. I'm going todraw it to investigate when I get back.

 I'm going todraw it to investigate when I get back

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