Chapter 12

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     I write this with the little energy I have left. Ruth is no longer by my side and Naomi left with her husband to Rome, in search of a better future.
     But I'm not alone.

     Nuriel returned when she was tired of being alone. Isaac died before her at a young age. Many accused her of being a being of the devil, since it was strange that she was different and healthy.
     She told me that she had found more people like her because some of them worked in hostels. She was no longer alone.
     I was happy for her, but I was sad because we had both lost loved ones.

    "There's something I don't understand" I said while he watched her making dinner ", how come I've lasted longer than my wife?"

    ''Do you remember the golden drink?'' I nodded, coughing ''It is thanks to that drink we gave you on the island that you have lasted longer than any mortal, you have become an old man. They cured all the diseases that you had in your body and made you stronger."

    ''But why? Why me?''

    ''Because you taught us that mortals could be kind, your wife and children... The people in the camp despite pointing me out... In the end you agreed to live with someone different. I thank you, Nahum."

     I cried when I heard those words, while I saw a kind of halo around her. I will never be able to thank her for everything she did for me.

     She is now making dinner as I write this. If I don't pass tonight, Nuriel, I want you to know that you were and are a gift to everyone who knows you. The Resurrectors are special and never forget it: I always loved you as part of my family. Live, die, be reborn from your ashes. And never forget to enjoy the gift of eternity and knowledge that was offered to you. You were our gift and we will never forget you. Nuriel, don't let

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