Chapter 5

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DAY 20

     Everything continues as always. I have attended some ceremonies and rebirths. On this island, loss is not mourned, it is celebrated as if it were one more step towards learning new knowledge. For us mortals, we would not understand these practices and we would classify them as barbaric, but on the contrary, they take it very seriously and I myself have been able to see that where before no grave cried, later there were cries of a newborn.
     The process of how they were reborn could not be observed, the tombs had to be completely filled with earth and the time of rebirth was not always instantaneous.
     I was fascinated and terrified by something unknown.

     I teach Nuriel my language more than the rest, she is a very curious girl and she writes everything down in her diary like a good student.
     Here women are respected the same as men, giving them the same education, that also surprises me. It's like it's another advanced era,

DAY 40

     There is little left until the ship is finished. Arael and Haniel want to give me a bottle of the golden drink for my journey, so that I don't get sick. Nuriel cries because she doesn't want me to leave, the little girl has become something similar to a niece. She clings to my robe begging for her not to leave me.
     I have told her that I also have family who I cannot let wait for me any longer, but that perhaps I can return to her one day. She accepted the promise, even though she could not keep it.

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