Chapter 1: The Kidnapping

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Boredom had become a constant companion in my life as a royal in the kingdom of Miyagi. As the youngest of the Miya triplets, I often found myself yearning for something more than the endless cycle of formalities and traditions. Don't get me wrong, I loved my family and the kingdom, but there was an adventurous spirit within me that longed to explore the world beyond the palace walls. 

I gazed out of the window, taking in the sunset's vibrant hues, and sighed. "It's just another dull evening in the palace," I muttered to myself, the frustration evident in my voice. 

As I contemplated my monotonous existence, a shadowy figure appeared in my peripheral vision, slipping into my room with an eerie grace. Panic coursed through me as I realized I was not alone. 

"What in the name of...?" I started to exclaim but was quickly silenced as a damp cloth was placed over my nose and mouth. The world spun, and darkness enveloped me. 

When I awoke, I found myself on a small, rickety boat, the endless expanse of the ocean surrounding me. The sense of captivity gripped me like a vice, and I could feel the salty sea breeze on my skin. Kidnapped? My heart raced, and a sense of dread washed over me. The feeling of being far from home was palpable, and the familiarity of the kingdom seemed like a distant memory. 

I tried to call out, "Hello? Is anyone there?" but no one responded. My voice wavered in the open expanse, unheard and lost to the vastness of the dark damp room. The days turned into weeks, and as I waited and adjust to my periodical food drop-off I felt the boat became to say and creak more than usual. All of a sudden a loud bang was heard and before I even knew  it and I was clinging to a piece of wreckage from the boat that had crashed and sunk. Desperation and fear became my constant companions as I drifted in the open sea, searching for hope. I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever see my family again.

"Is this the end?" I whispered to myself, tears mixing with the salty waves. "Will I ever find my way back home?".

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