Chapter 7: A Future Together

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The decision to embark on this new chapter of our lives together came with the joyful task of sharing the news with our family and friends. The anticipation of their reactions filled us with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

The evening we chose to reveal our engagement was a gathering at the palace, where our closest family members and friends had gathered. The atmosphere was a blend of celebration and curiosity, as we had carefully prepared for this moment.

Sakusa and I stood hand in hand, our hearts racing, as we faced our loved ones. My brothers, Atsumu and Osamu, and my father watched us with keen interest, their expressions a mix of concern and intrigue. I knew they had been skeptical about my relationship with Sakusa, and this announcement would be a significant turning point.

Before we could utter a word, Atsumu, being the most outspoken, couldn't contain his curiosity. "Alright, you two. What's this big announcement you've been holding onto?"

Sakusa's eyes met mine, and with a reassuring squeeze of my hand, he began, "We've decided to get married."

A moment of silence hung in the air as our family processed the news. My father, looked deep into Sakusa's eyes, his expression unreadable. Osamu's calm demeanor quickly changed to one of shock, a rare occurency, while my mother's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Atsumu was the first to break the silence, a grin spreading across his face. "Well, it's about time, isn't it? We were starting to wonder when you'd make an honest man out of Kiyoomi here."

Sakusa's lips curled into a small smile, his acceptance by my family a moment of validation.

As our friends joined the celebration, there was an outpouring of joy and support. Our decision to marry was met with cheers and warm wishes, and it was a testament to the power of love.

With our family and friends by our side, we began the exciting journey of planning our wedding. The discussions were filled with laughter and anticipation, as we shared our visions and dreams for the big day. It was a collaborative effort, a true celebration of love and unity.

My mother, ever the voice of optimism and encouragement, couldn't hide her excitement pulled me aside. "I always believed in you two, just let me now when your gonn start planning."

As I laughed at her remark she walked away to join in on the festivites. Then it all hit me, I was now a bride to be. As I looked around at my soon to be husband laughing with my brothers I couldn't help but feel some sort of happiness to being kidnapped. Not because it was particullary fun, but because it lead me to this, to him.

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