Chapter 5: A Family United

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Finally, the day came when we made it to the shores of my beloved kingdom. The sight of Miyagi's coastline filled my heart with both excitement and trepidation. Reuniting with my family was a bittersweet experience, a moment I had longed for yet feared.

As I stepped onto the shore, my family, standing as a united front, welcomed me with open arms. I finally felt the warm embrace of my brothers as they fussed over me 

"Atsumu! Osamu!" I laughed as they enveloped me in their strong arms, their worries now eclipsed by the joy of my return.

Atsumu ruffled my hair and grinned. "Y/N, you've worried us to death, ya know? Im never gonna let you out of my sight again!"

Osamu, his ever-present calm demeanor intact, nodded in agreement. "He's right. We were out of our minds with worry."

I couldn't help but smile at their overbearing protectiveness, a trait that had only grown during our time apart. Their love was a testament to the bond we shared as siblings.

Our parents, watched tearfully. My father's stern expression had softened, and he embraced me with a sense of fatherly pride. "It's good to have you back, darling."

My mother, on the verge of crying again held me close, "We missed you, Y/N."

My brothers, Atsumu and Osamu, had been skeptical of Sakusa from the moment they learned about our relationship. Atsumu, with his usual flair, had voiced his concerns openly, while Osamu, the quieter of the two, silently judged him. They only did this because they loved me, it was love that fueled their concerns.

As siblings, our bond was unbreakable. We had shared a lifetime of adventures and secrets, and nothing could change that. While they worried for my safety and well-being, their love for me was unwavering.

The initial skepticism and worries of my family were challenges that we had begun to overcome. Our love had started to win over their hearts, soon my parents began to question when we would get married and all I could muster up the coruage to say was "I'm not sure if we're ready for that quite yet" which really meant I dont know if Omi is ready for that...

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