Chapter 6: The Scavenger Hunt

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of amber and violet, as Sakusa and I stood on the deck of the ship we had spent so many days on. It was a moment of quiet intimacy, which we could rarely get now.

Sakusa's eyes, typically veiled in a stoic mask, were now filled with a rare excitement. "Y/N," he began, his voice a gentle whisper, "I have something special planned for you."

A sense of anticipation washed over me. "What is it?"

With a mischievous smile, Sakusa handed me a sealed envelope. "Open it," he said.

I carefully unsealed the envelope and found a letter inside. It read, "To the love of my life, our journey together has been filled with adventure and love. Get ready for a new chapter."

With a sense of curiosity, I looked up at Sakusa. "What is this?"

Sakusa's eyes held a glint of excitement as he continued, "It's the beginning of a scavenger hunt. Each clue will lead you to a place that holds a special memory for us. The final destination will be where I'll ask you a question that's been on my mind for a long time."

As I read the first clue, a smile crossed my lips. The scavenger hunt was a journey through our love story, taking me to places that had become significant to us. Each clue was a cherished memory, a reminder of the moments that had drawn us closer.

The hunt led me to the cliff where Sakusa had saved me from the wreckage of the ship months ago, to the place where we had shared our first kiss under a canopy of stars, and to the spot where we had declared our love for each other on a moonlit night.

With each step, the bond between us grew stronger, and the anticipation of what awaited me at the final destination intensified.

As I reached the last clue, my heart pounded with a mixture of nerves and excitment. The final destination was the very spot where Sakusa had rescued me from the sea, where our love story had begun. As if we had done a full lap back.

Sakusa was waiting there, a small smile on his lips, his eyes filled with tenderness. As he took my hands in his, he spoke the words that had been on his mind for so long.

"Y/N," he said, his voice filled with twinge of nervousness I had never heard from him before, "will you marry me?"

Tears welled in my eyes as I looked into his dark, soulful gaze. "Yes," I replied, my heart overflowing with love and joy. "A thousand times yes."

It was a moment of pure, unadulterated happiness, a proposal that symbolized the journey of love we had undertaken. As we embraced, we knew that our love was strong enough to weather any storm.

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