Chapter 10: The Afterword

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It had been several years since we had embarked on our journey as a married couple. Our love had grown, and we had welcomed a beautiful addition to our family. Life was an adventure, filled with the joys of being together and the excitement of exploring new horizons.

Sakusa was no longer seen as the "dreaded pirate king" but as the man who had captured my heart. We had set sail on our life together, navigating the seas of love and companionship with each new day.

As I reflected on our journey, I couldn't help but smile and say, "I can't believe how far we've come..."

Our love story had started on a pirate ship, in the most unexpected of circumstances. From the moment we had met, our connection had been undeniable, and it had only deepened with time. The bond between us had weathered storms, both literal and figurative, and had emerged stronger on the other side.

Our little one, a joyful and energetic boy, was now running around the deck of the ship. His laughter filled the air as he played with the crew, who had become like a second family to him.

I watched with a smile as Sakusa, our son in his arms, showed him the ropes of pirating. "You see, Daiki, this is how you navigate by the stars," he explained, pointing to the night sky. "And this," he continued, showing him the ship's wheel, "is how you steer us on our adventures."

Our son's eyes sparkled with fascination, and he nodded eagerly, absorbing every word.

Sakusa then turned to our son and said, "Now, lets see who can get to Mama and Sissy first. Its almost bedtime"

"Can't I stay up a little longer dad, please" Daiki said with puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry bud I'm not the one in charge here," he grinned while I sat rocking our daughter.

Our son gave a irritated squeal and ran off, his tiny legs carrying him with boundless energy. Soon a few crew members began to chase after him. As I watched them go, a sense of contentment washed over me.

Our life on the sea, once filled with uncertainty and adventure, had become a source of comfort and familiarity. We were the unofficial king and queen of the sea, ruling with compassion and fairness. The crew who had once been strangers were now my loyal friends and allies.

The pirate captain, feared by many, had become the protector of our family. Sakusa's strength and love had never wavered, and I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life.

As we sailed into the sunset, I leaned against Sakusa, my head on his shoulder. Our little one, bundled in blankets, gurgled happily. I couldn't help but think that our love story was the greatest adventure of all.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the endless sea, I whispered to Sakusa, "I love you."

He pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead and replied, "I love you too, Y/N. Forever and always."

With those words, we sailed into the future, hand in hand, ready for whatever adventures awaited us, as a family.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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