Chapter 2: Lost at Sea

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As I drifted aimlessly on the unforgiving sea, hope seemed like a distant memory. The once-endless ocean had become my lonely companion, the vastness of the horizon both beautiful and haunting. The minutes soon turned into hours, and the sense of captivity continued to grip me like a vice. 

My voice had become hoarse from calling out, and the only response I received was the echo of my own desperation. The sun and the moon became my only markers of time, their movements offering a semblance of rhythm to my life on this desolate raft. 

As the sun began to dip below the horizon and the stars began to twinkle, a glimmer of hope appeared far away. I squinted and strained my eyes, hardly daring to believe what I was seeing. A ship. 

A real ship, approaching me. My voice cracked as I mustered all my remaining strength to call out, "Help! Please, help me!" The words felt weak, but they were filled with a desperate plea. 

The ship grew closer, and my heart raced with a mix of hope and fear, this was no merchant or military ship. This was a pirate ship and not just any pirate ship one belonging to Sakusa Kiyoomi. I had heard tales of the dreaded pirate captain, Sakusa Kiyoomi, whose name was infamous in these waters. His reputation was one of mercilessness and cruelty, and the stories had painted him as a ruthless monster. 

But as the ship's crew hauled me aboard, I found myself surrounded by rough, weathered men who, instead of hostility, treated me with unexpected respect. I felt their eyes on me, curious and cautious, and my gaze eventually met that of the infamous captain. 

Sakusa Kiyoomi's dark eyes held a depth of emotion and complexities that I hadn't expected. His voice, when he finally spoke, was unexpectedly gentle. "You're safe now," he said, and it was as if the sea itself had whispered those words.

"Thank you," I managed to breathe, but a sense of uncertainty and fear lingered in my heart. I was saved, but by the very man whose reputation had terrified sailors and citizens alike. 

As the ship sailed further into the night, I couldn't help but wonder about the why this supposedly ruthless man had bothered to save me.

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