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Y/n sat at her desk, phone in her hand as she sprawled against her desk, the moonlight seeping into her dark room. "Y/n, get up!" Haewon said through the phone.

She sat up and groaned while turning on her camera. "Stop disturbing me, I'm studying!" She said in a nerdy tone as she pushed up her non-existent glasses.

Haewon scoffed. "Sure, I bet you are." She mocked her friend while rolling her eyes. Y/n laughed at her friend as she actually began doing her homework.

She pulled out some paper as she started to write on her page. "Hey, do you know someone named Bangchan?" Her friend said in a confused tone, she was holding her phone close to her face.

She glanced up and nodded. "Yeah, his friends kinda follow me around." She joked as she continued to write down her work.

Haewon furrowed her brows. "Lily texted me saying he followed her on instagram." She said while shrugging her shoulders. "Weird." She added onto the end.

A few minutes later, Haewon let out a fake gasp. "Hey! He's following all of us." She laughed as she screen-shotted the boy's instagram page and sent it to Y/n.

"Actually?!" She asked, a laugh following her words as she opened her phone and clicked onto her instagram page. "He's actually a lurker." She said while scrolling through his page.

"That's crazy.." Haewon muttered as she also went through his page, before she went silent. "Nooo, I gotta go." Haewon said as she swiped off his page.

"Okay then, traitor." Y/n said while shaking her head. "Kidding. Love you, good night!" She said as Haewon laughed and hung up.

The girl grabbed her phone and shoved it into her pocket as she began to do her homework again, which was really good because her work was due the next day.

She had nearly finished the last sentence when she heard a loud pinging noise from her phone, she could feel it vibrating in her pocket.

Her hand stuck into her pocket, reeling out the phone that had pinged. She glanced down to see a few instagram notifications.

She mindlessly pressed on them to see what they were, it sent her to her dm's. Her brows raised as she realised who had texted her. Bangchan.

Ignoring his dm, she pushed onto his page and swiped through it. She saw numerous pictures of him, some with his friends and some without. Her head tilted at the thought of him dming her.

She sucked in a deep breath as she clicked onto the text he had sent, hoping for the best. When she looked down, she saw a link, along with some text.

'This is where i got the jacket btw' He texted, along with a happy face emoji. She pressed the link without thinking and she found herself on a website, a very wealthy looking website.

When she saw the jacket, she noticed it was one hundred and twenty dollars. It wasn't too much out of her range, but she wasn't ready to spend that much on a jacket. Even though it was really good.

She clicked off and checked her bank account, a smile crossing her face at the sight of the money she had. She didn't think she was rich, but she thought she had enough money that she had earned. So it was fair

With a chuckle, she clicked back onto the website and added it to her cart. She decided she'd purchase it tonight, she did need a jacket for the winter.

She went back onto the dm he had sent and sent a thumbs up. 'thanks, means a lot.' she replied before clicking off. She didn't really know how to respond.

Bangchan immediately saw her text and responded straight away. 'No problem!' His text said as she raised her brows at his quick response.

She shrugged and turned off her phone and stood up to go get ready for bed, it was nearly eleven o'clock and she was starting to actually get tired.

Her feet scuffed against the floor as she trailed over to her bed and laid down against it. Her legs stretching as she groaned.

She flinched when her brother abruptly barged into her room and jumped on her bed. "Soobin!" She said while pushing his shoulder.

He sprawled across her bed without a word. "Get out, I wanna sleep now." She told him while pointing at her door. "Get up!" She started to whined when she saw he wasn't moving.

He rolled over and stared at her. "What?" She questioned while sitting up and watching him. He sighed while pulling up his phone. "Mom won't be home for the next week." He stated.

"Okay?" She said while pushing him to the edge of her bed. "You can go now." She said while laying down again.

She let out a loud groan when Soobin suddenly jumped across her stomach and laid there, "Ow! Get off me, fatass!" She scowled while shoving him.

"I think you should shut up." He said while rolling around on her stomach. He did not give a single shit about the pain he was causing her.

She angrily slapped his head. "I think you should brush your teeth." She responded in a snarky manner. He rolled his eyes while sitting up and going to her door.

"Whatever." He said while leaving and closing the door. She scoffed while throwing her arms in the air, why did he even enter in the first place.

She laid across her bed again, for real this time, pulling herself underneath the warm and fuzzy covers. She already felt herself slipping into a deep sleep.

"War!" She heard someone suddenly shout as Soobin barged in and squirted her with water from her own spray bottle.

A loud whine left her mouth as she covered herself in the blankets. "Go away!" She shouted while trying to hide under the covers. Soobin ripped them off and squirted the water in her face.

Her night went on for three more hours, arguing and fighting with her younger brother, even though she wanted to sleep.


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