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Y/n stared out the window without a care in the world. It was last period, she was tired, it was freezing cold in the classroom, her hair was getting in her face and she was so bored.

She thought back to the school trip they were supposed to go on that had been cancelled due to a landslide, it was a major inconvenience because she had already packed her bags.

The thing that ticked her off the most was trying to shove everything back into their places, it was hard since her room was pretty small.

The loud sound of sirens rung in her ears as she perked up, everyone else also seemed to be interested in the loud wailing noise.

Everyone stood up and ran to the window, except for Y/n. She heaved herself onto her feet and watched from behind everyone, she saw a large firetruck outside, along with the feds and everything.

The teacher immediately also stood up. "Hey! Back to work!" She exclaimed while storming over to the window as well. "What's the commotion!" The teacher pushed passed the students to see the large crowd outside.

Soon, the fire alarm inside the school went off. Y/n flinched as she immediately grabbed her bag and pulled it over her shoulder.

"Stay calm everybody! Leave your bags!" The lady shouted over the loud siren, many kids were still watching out the window and ignoring the teachers words, but Y/n had already sprinted out the door.

She definitely wasn't gonna let her bag burn in that room, she completely gapped the whole situation and was now in the halls. She bolted down the hallway to the field where they usually had to stand when they had fire drills, her legs moved fast.

The teacher in the classroom was still hurrying students out the door, because it was very clear it wasn't just some casual drill.

She opened the door to the outside part of her school and finally began walking, she was honestly so tired from the running.

Y/n had finally made it to the field and stood by herself because nobody else from her class had actually made an effort to get out of the building, they all probably wanted to burn, and she didn't blame them, they were in maths anyways.

Although the rest of the school had basically already gotten outside, the eight boys were no where in sight and she was actually sort of worried for them. Since she could see smoke in the air, it made her nervous.

She stood there panting loudly as she waited for her class to make it to the field, but they took their sweet time.

The girl's eyes brightened when she saw the eight boys walking out of the school building calmly. She let out a small scoff at their nonchalance. They also seemed to notice her, Lee Know gave a wave as they made their way over to her.

"You're panting." Jeongin chuckled as they all approached her, she nodded her head at his words as she gave a shrug. "I didn't wanna die." She told them.

They all laughed loudly at her words. The noise of laughter caused her to quietly chuckle, unfortunately she wasn't the best with these situations because her face seemed awkward.

Bangchan sighed. "I heard that there was a fire in the main hall.." He mentioned, causing the whole group of them to look at each other. "And guess what happens in the main hall." He added while smirking.

"Really?" Y/n questioned while looking between them all, her eyes wide, a smile crept up onto all of their faces as Felix nodded his head.

"No tests this year? Really!" She asked, she was so thrilled to hear that news. Every year they had these tests, she would get so nervous and study all night, and then she's be to tired to actually focus on the test day.

Hyunjin also nodded happily. "It was so severe that their actually closing the school for a while." He explained to them all, Jeongin quietly cheered happily at those words.

"How bad?" She questioned while tilting her head, this was the first time they'd ever seen her so happy about something, even though she wasn't smiling yet, she was always so blank and blunt.

"Apparently it burnt the hallway's as well, which is like the main entrance to the classes." He added while shrugging his shoulders.

"Wow," She sighed while nodding her head. "This is the best day of my life." Her voice was so enthusiastic, they couldn't tell if she was being for real or being sarcastic since she still wouldn't smile.

"Wait, won't they just make us do online tests?" She questioned while tilting her head. It was pretty reasonable to assume that they'd send out online versions of the test.

Bangchan's smile slowly faded from his face as he nodded at the girl. "You're right, I didn't even think of that." He replied while covering his face in disappointment.

They all groaned at the reality of what happened, they were even mad that the school was burnt, they were mad that the tests were still probably going to happen.

"Well thanks for getting our hopes us." Changbin smiled sarcastically at his older friend, before sighing in disbelief.

Seungmin shrugged his shoulders. "At least there's no school." He piped up happily as he glanced around at his friends, who didn't return the happy expressions. "Are you that upset about the tests?" He questioned.

Before anyone could answer, Y/n nodded vigorously. "I hate those fucking tests!" She cried out dramatically. The eight boys immediately laughed at the girls outburst.


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