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Spending the day with the crush, uh.

BAHAHAH hello. finally? new chapter.

⚠️dysfunctional family scenes and mentions⚠️


A blurred voice turned into my name, waking me up.

"Evelyn" Max repeated, and when she saw my eyes open, she laughed, probably at my sleepy face. "Good morning."

I sat on the bed. "What?" was the first and only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Time to get up, smart ass." She turned and headed to her dresser, she wasn't watching me anymore, but I knew she was smiling. "no school todaaay"

"Why so happy about it?" I rubbed my eyes, then dragged myself across the bed until my feet felt cold when they touched the floor.

"Time of chilling, reading, gaming and listening to music."

I laughed. "Morning, by the way."

There was a short silence, until she turned and looked at me. "Evelyn." She wasn't smiling anymore. "do you.. uhm-" she touched her nose, probably thinking of what to say. "isn't your mother going to be worried about you? your brother? we can.. I can accompany you home if you need."

I covered my face, not wanting to think about seeing my mother again. "No, let's just-... they'll be fine. I'll see them later."

"Ok." She gave me an understanding smile. I don't think she agreed with me, but she still emphasized.


That morning Billy and Max's step-father were already home, I assumed they arrived late at night. They didn't care much of me being there, probably because they didn't know me, so, except when they talked to me,  I just ignored them most of the time and spent time with Max, who apologized more than three times about her step-brother being a dick, or shouting everything and everyone.

"Are you sure you don't want to let your brother know you're ok? We can let you call home from here if you need to." She said one more time, she had asked me a couple times already, but it wasn't being annoying at all, she just wanted to make sure everything was fine after all.

"alright, yeah. If it doesn't bother your family."

"Of course not." She smiled and started walking to the dinning room, me behind her. "Mum, can Evelyn use the phone for a second?"

"Sure, no problem." The woman answered from the couch, not bothering to look at us.

Max looked at me and pointed to the phone on the wall so I would walk towards there with her.

"What's the number?" She asked when we were besides it, grabbing it before me, because I was too polite to do it.

I thought about it for a second before telling the phone number to her. After choosing all the right numbers, she passed the telephone to me.

When my brother voice spoke, a chill ran through my body. "hello?"

My sight.


"It's Evelyn." I talk.

"Eve, are you okay? wha- where are you? what happened? Are you safe?" A bunch of questions came out nonestop from by brothers side.

"I'm fine, I'm at Max's."

I heard him sight, "Good." his voice was a lot calmer now. "God, you freaked me out."

Not Evelyn. ~ max x fem oc (wlw)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant