Chapter 1 That Early Faithful Morning

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I swallowed a pill and awoke from my dream sweat dripping down my face.I had these reoccurring dreams every night  that my life I knew was just a lie.I looked outside and saw just a plain and still darkness and immediately turned towards the clock it was 2:00 AM in the morning. It took me a while to finally realize that it wasn't' much of a joke but something weird was going on. My friends outside of school were always acting weird and fishy like something happened. I never understood them or hanged out with them. I had always When I snuck downstairs the floors creaked loudly as if trying to alert my very strict and hot tempered mother and father. OnceI knew I had the chance I decided to make a run for the back door and run to the border between the rich and poor. I just couldn't take the torture and bullying I got at school because of my parents and the job they had. It wasn't the life I wanted to live. While running down my street I bumped into a girl who had beautiful blonde hair and had Diamond like eyes that I could not stop admiring them. She didn't know her way around and was going to walk around and maybe try to see a beautiful sunset so I helped her around with everything.

"Oh! I'm so sorry I should have been looking where I was going" She said

"Oh no it's okay but uh where are you heading to?"

"I was just going down towards the hill to see the sunrise and quickly made sure that no one had seen me. And uhm maybe you would like to come with me?" She asked

"Yeah of course I would I mean I have nothing better to do" I responded

"What's your name because mine is Robert" I told her to break the ice and awkwardness that we felt.

"Oh mine's Miranda." She said

The place where we live in my opinion is a dystopian place because anytime we want to talk to people who are poor we are punished.I've thought for the longest time about running and never looking back because I want to take others with me to a place that feels like a real home. Unfortunately there are guards everywhere that stop people like me from getting out of this place that I hate so much.

Once we got up to the hill I could tell why Miranda wanted to come up here. It was isolated everything was still like all the things that we had to worry about were nonexistent.We just watched the beautiful yellow sun rise up and I only felt happy. But when I checked my watch I saw that I had time to run since the guards are sent home at night and the shifts are long. So I asked Miranda if she wanted to leave but she got frightened by the idea because she knew that the consequences of it were massive. If you attempted to escape from here and failed you could face execution because the tyrant of the country finds people who try as traitors. But I didn't let these worries get to me because I was bent on leaving since the life here was horrible and everything I wanted came but I wanted to talk to people who were normal and weren't so rich because I couldn't tell if they were my real friends. I could tell from her face that I was scared and she assured me that she was going to go. But I didn't believe her since just not that long ago it seemed as if she was probably going to backstab me just so that way I could be dragged all the way to my unfortunate doom. That's not how I wanted to die because of someone being one of the most selfish person I had just met so in my mind I was trying to think of a plan to get me out of this predicament. If I hadn't mentioned this before I have trust issues with everyone I meet but I'm becoming more social. I still don't trust my parents though because they are close relatives to people who are connected to the tyrant and the many people of the small congress they have.

" Hey! Robert are you listening to me. Ugh you've got to be kidding me. I have an idea to get us both out of here because secretly I feel the same way as you but have kept my mouth shut." Miranda said to me

"Wait what? How come you didn't tell me before!" I replied in disbelief

" The story's I have heard send shivers down my spine and that's the main reason why I don't talk about it and disagreed with you because I feel like there are eyes that watch me everywhere I go." Miranda said in a nervous tense voice

" I honestly feel the same." I responded to her

We both sat there for a while pondering what this decision meant for our future. But I was willing to risk it all to experience the real world. I put on a slight smile and turned my head towards Miranda trying to ease the nervous tension.

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