Chapter 9

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I was thrusted back into a wall. I felt nauseated from the impact like I had been spun around like a carnival ride. The two guards from before used their guns and pointed them at me with one pulling the trigger sending the bullet through my leg. " Ah, kids never learn do they? They should never mess with adults plans. Especially little brats like you! Everything was put into place, I had full control over everything until word of you escaping spread through the city." Salan walked into the room an angry face evident that he was not in the mood to be fooled with. " Why does that matter to you? Couldn't you just brainwash them like you used to do?" I asked sarcastically snapping at him and only heightening the tension in the room with blood splattered over the guards uniforms.

"Now every parent is questioning my authority and how I handle people who do not like to listen to me. This has gotten out of hand and I have no way to be able to hand such a problem." Salan said giving me a side eye to indicate that he was going to do everything in his power to ruin my life.

" Now if you don't listen to my demands, let's just say things in here will get more messy than they already were."

" What!? Please don't harm any of my friends I'm begging you to stop." He sensed the fear that was built up in me and grabbed out something from his pocket. It looked like a voodoo doll of me, confused I scrunched my eyebrow trying to figure out the meaning behind the doll but then infront of my eyes he snapped the head off. " This is going to be you very soon... Don't try to get on my bad side." What did he mean by that and I opened my mouth to ask what he meant but nothing came out of my mouth as if it were sealed shut by something. He then quickly like a ninja swiftly left the room but before he turned the corner he muttered the words " Torture him until he begs for mercy". The guards shook their heads nodding following every command yelled at them. Immediately I backed into the corner fearing for the worst to happen when my kicking reflex kicked in. I ran even though my muscles ache horribly the pain felt good and motivating me to reach the door and hope that there wasn't any guards awaiting my arrival.

Two girls wearing nice clothing came around the corner and slammed right into me knocking me off my feet. I jumped to my feet and continued on my way made my way around the dark and creepy corridors inside of the Military building. The bullet still was inside of my leg pestering my ankle causing serious pain to the point where I heard a crack come from my body. Terrified by the thought of the bullet reaching my bone in my leg I propelled myself towards the nearest exit slamming my body into the nearest bush nearby. My body dared not to move or even breath. I breathed a sight of relief once the coast was clear and sprinted towards the town with no real idea of the path that I was going. All of the wildlife around me was destroyed, the trees were now reduced to stumps. Considering that it was late at night and hard to see I continuously tripped over things. All I had to do was find a place where I could sleep for the night and hope that I left no tracks for them to follow. My mind churned with insane thoughts. I started to lose it, I had no one out here to comfort me and what was the point in trying anymore? Salan had gotten what he wanted because all I wanted was for my suffering to end and go back to my normal life. The life where everyone was happy and no one disobeyed the laws or rules set in place.
Suddenly someone came running around the corner wearing thick clothing because of how cold it was. I dared not to say anything making sure that my breathing was very slow because after the traumatic events at the " city" I began to have trust issues with people. The person started to yell out to me " Robert, where are you it's me John." As the man's footsteps faded into the distance I got up my left leg stung from the gun wound, blood oozing down to my shoes. The color of the blood looked like a flower. I began to inspect the entirety of the cave looking through its beauty admiring everything around me. Stepping down deeper into the cave I discovered a lake that shone so beautifully under the moonlight that it soothed my nerves. Where was I? How did that person know my name and that I was nearby here? All of these thoughts made me dizzy as did the blood loss.

My Escape from a LieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant