Chapter 5

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Tears flowed down my eyes as I overheard the threats that they would hurt them if I did not comply with their orders. I looked up to see Matthew and Miranda squirming around trying to break free and even though they begged me to not listen to them and to run but my legs wouldn't move from the spot where I was standing. My brain was telling me to run but my body would not listen. I heard a distant voice mocking me and my friends and my hands were now formed into a knuckle. What right did she have to say these things about me? I slowly got up rising up from the spot from which I originally stood with no plan I had to act quickly. She asked me in a very annoying tone:

"Ah... you have finally given up it's so sad to see you weakened but then again it's my job to retrieve you brats!" She screamed uncontrollably which told me it was time to act now. When she calmed down I swung my fist hitting her in the face leaving her dazed and confused. Then I attacked the two guards who were holding Miranda and Matthew hostage setting the two of them free. Miranda grabbed hold of my hand dragging me down a path that I knew was sure had a lot of twists and turns. I was the one that navigated them through the thick and green forest telling them not to touch anything that seemed dangerous to touch. Miranda whispered to me about the whole incident that happened not that long ago and I told her not to dwell on those events because they were in the past. Still it seemed that this was an obstacle that Miranda could not get past and it hurt me and Matthew so much to see her like this. She had always tried to stay positive during the hard time and encouraged me to continue on with the journey but now it had gotten to her she couldn't take the pain of facing the guards and her friends as well as her parents eyes staring at her.

"Hey Miranda please calm down, everything will be fine." I tried to make her believe what I was saying yet I couldn't even trust what I was saying.

" How would you know! Everything has crumbled they now know what we're trying to do and they can track us. Robert nothing is okay so stop pretending like it's going to be okay." Letting put her frustrations that were all directed at me. Her saying these things made me feel worse. But I had to engulf all these feelings down inside me as it was for the better of the group. At least Matthew agreed with me that it was a little weird how quickly that the James Salans guards had found us with such little information. But we let that worry escape our minds as we would discuss it later when we had time to speak in private away from Miranda. It also came to my attention that Miranda was becoming more paranoid by each day always looking over her shoulder like she felt someone's eyes were watching us. When she tried to tell me about suspicions I merely just shut down the possibility and walked away from her.

( oooh cliffhanger hehe.)

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