Halloween Special (Short Oneshot)🎃

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Third Person POV

As the raven haired boy got dressed his ginger best friend sat in the other room already dressed "Come on Stan were going to be late!" The ginger shouted. Stan struggled getting his eyeliner right, Stan was going as his goth faze while his best friend went a different route and was going as a person from Jersey. Stan finally came out of the room ready and Kyle grabbed his arm dragging Stan out of the house worried they'd be late to meet up with the others. As they arrived Kenny and Cartman looked at them with annoyed looks "Ay Kahl you guys we're late we should've left with out you!" Cartman grumbled. Kyle rolled his eyes as he spoke "Stan couldn't get his eyeliner on right." As Kyle and Cartman argued Stan looked at Kenny, Kenny was in a scream costume so his face was covered. "Hey Kenny sorry for being late.." "Thats alright Stan!" After a while Cartman and Kyle finally stopped so they started to walk to the haunted house, Stan looked over the building and felt a bit nervous considering he saw older kids come out looking terrified. Stan didn't want to look like a pansy so he walked in following the other boys, Stan noticed how the floor boards seemed covered in dust and how there seemed to be no light throughout the building.

He heard noises and screams through the dark halls making him tense slightly. Kenny who had been walking next to Stan and noticed how he had tensed and spoke quietly so the others couldn't hear "Hey Stan you alright..?" Stan nods uneasily "O-Oh uh yeah im fine Kenny.." Kenny gave Stan a look showing he wasn't convinced but left it alone, The noises we're quickly replaced by Kyle and Cartmans bickering as they continued through the haunted house. Suddenly a loud sound of a chainsaw made them all stop in a halt. It got louder when suddenly a large man came out from behind a wall and started chasing them through the endless hallways. Stan was screaming loudly and holding onto both Kenny and Kyle as Cartman was falling behind, They all were screaming as the man got faster. Finally they reached the end, Stan clutched his chest finding his inhaler and got his breathing back to normal as the other boys especially Cartman looked out of breath. Kyle panted before standing straight and making sure Stan was alright and he then spoke "How about we go home for the night guys?" Cartman spoke next "But I want candy Kahl" Kyle rolled his eyes once more "You always want candy fatass." After a minute of bickering Kenny and Cartman left. Stan and Kyle walked back to Kyles house, After they arrived and got changed Stan sat on the couch next to Kyle and spoke "Hey Kyle we should go to a haunted house next year" Kyle shoved him slightly and chuckled "Yeah but you kept screaming so maybe if you man up next year.." Stan rolled his eyes but laughed "Whatever dude."

ᏞϴᏙᎬ ΝϴͲᎬ ||𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐜Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora