Chapter 6 ♡Broken Hearts♡

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Stan stared into the mirror he mumbled to himself his mind pointing out every flaw he had..that Rebecca didn't.


Stan wiped his tears and grabbed his things, Stan walked to his next class ignoring everyone he still had a bit of hope that Kyle didn't kiss back. Stan didn't understand his feelings why am I so upset over a kiss..its not like we are dating. Stan sat in the back of class noticing Kyle right next to him.

Stan kept his eyes down at his notes not wanting to face what he thought was the truth.

Kyle glanced at Stan worry in his eyes. He racked his brain for anything that could have made Stan upset until the inconvenience with Rebecca came up.

"Stan..listen if your upset about Rebecca..I told her I didn't like her back."

Stan made a hum but on the inside he was jumping knowing he still had a chance but he couldn't helo but wonder why Kyle wouldn't accept Rebecca..she was so much better.

"Oh I wasn't upset about that..but uh good for you dude."

Stan wasn't going to blow his cover he had planned to ask Kyle out today but little did he know someone had a plan that was about to throw the thing off.

You all get small small update because I am busy and the next chapter will be BIG i already have it planned and it will be chaos so be ready ᰔ

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