Chapter 4 ♡Sickly♡

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No ones P.O.V

Stan sat down in a chair staring at Mr. Mackey his thoughts in a whirlwind. Mr Mackey looked at Stan and gave a sympathetic smile showing he was listening, Stan breathed shakily and then took a bigger breath before speaking. "M-My stans voice shook slightly sister me hell every day, She hits me and...other things. I thought it was just sibling love but after a while it got worse and the more I grew the more it affected me and the more I realized..what it was..And it was all fine till you and everyone else found out and now it will get worse I-I want to leave." Stan started to rant the more he did the more he shook and started to cry again

Mr. Mackeys eyes widened and he rushes over to grab Stan and get him to breathe but just as he got up, Stan ran out of the room and down the halls. Stan stopped at the end of the hallway trying to breathe when time seemed to stop.. As soon as he saw.. Kyle..

The sadness and sympathy in Kyle's eyes made Stan pause and a welling of emotions emerged, Stan started to panic and ran even faster out the school doors not hearing Kyle's shout for him to come back.

Stan ran all the way home the bitter coldness stinging his face and making his heart pound. Stan swung open his house door ignoring the drunk randy on the couch, As Stan got up his stairs he saw Shelly..smirking..Stan paused for a single second before getting to his room. After a while Stan had calmed down enough to stop crying. He looked around his eyes trailing around the room before landing on his guitar, Stan smiled and walked over picking it up and he started to play singing the melody.

I used to hate the sand

Now all I want is to be buried in it~

I used to hate holding you hand

But I took my skin for granted

I love the ocean~

Only cause you were there..

And when you heard of the news-

You weren't even scared~

As Stan sang he felt better and hadn't noticed Kyle (who had came to check on him) watching him from the doorway, Kyle watched engrossed in Stan's beautiful singing..yet concerned as the lyrics became more concerning itself.

I want to scoop out my cheeks.. So you can't pinch them anymore

I want to add to my legs- to be as tall as the morgue..

I want the fat in my arms.. To melt off my bones~

Stan started to even out the melody tears pricking his eyes making Kyle more concerned and start to come forward..

And my stomach to fall out- right onto the floor~





All of the things you love that I hate~

Kyle walked closer close to crying as well.. His eyes on Stan he stayed quiet listening to the sad yet twisted song..





All of the things you'll never see again-

That last line Kyle's eyes widen.. He ran over tackling Stan in a hug, Stan started to sob into Kyle's arms and Kyle did the same.

They laid in each other's arms for a while just comforting each other and crying.

Hi, I meant to finish this a few days ago but with different things going on and the holidays it has caused me to lose motivation but i quickly got it back after watching some seasons and I finished this small update oh and the song Stan sings is called : " aesthetic? (more like ass- pathetic)"😅

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