• He Speaks •

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Man-shik sat and leaned back as his head touched the wall, he stared at the curled up kid in the corner and was curious. After a few minutes he heard shuffling and the kid began to back up further the corner, until almost squishing himself against the edge of the desk.

His head bumped into it and he squinted painfully and opened his eyes, staring around his surroundings, yawning, as his eyes landed on the taller boy he ducked his head and looked away from the deep gaze from the older.

"I'm not gonna kill you y'know? No one's gonna hate you for now we're all stuck here together." said Man-shik he was wondering what he felt toward the boy, was it pity, anger, or nothing.

"Huh. Say that to the other two who were here before." scoffed the younger one quietly, not looking up, his eyes still down on his lap.

"So you speak." Man-shik said he smiled at the kid's sarcastic reply.

"Why are you such a jerk to Yejun?" the older asked.

"No reason. Just hate weak Omegas." Si-woo said he choked it out however. Man-shik's eyes hardened but he kept the same tone.

"Why? There's always a reason for everything." Man-shik asked.

"Well not for me. I'm just some jerk, okay? Leave me alone." the boy replied shortly he slightly tried turning to his right, before deciding against that.

"You might be a jerk, but you aren't getting away that easily." Man-shik said scooting a little close to the brown haired kid.


If he knew what that kid was going through right now, he wouldn't have said that. It was taking everything from Si-woo's energy to stop himself from screaming in pain, and talk in comprehensive sentences. Why couldn't he just leave him alone?


They sat in silence for a few minutes, none of them speaking, neither of them sleeping. That was until Man-shik walked over and stood right above the kid, he didn't look up at him.

"Come on you haven't moved for the past 2 days. You haven't eaten, you haven't talked to anyone, heck you haven't even used the bathroom!" Man-shik said, motioning toward the door leading to the gymnasium. It took everything in the boy not to lash out, to just be awake, to just be alive.

"I'm not in the mood. Go talk to your friends." Si-woo replied in the same blank tone.

"Come on... We may hate your guts, but at least eat something, or do something." Man-shik said as he motioned for the kid to follow him.

When the kid showed no sign of getting up, he leaned forward and grabbed his wrist quite harshly trying to yank him up. Si-woo's eyes watered a little as he desperately tried to get out of his hold, he let out a sound of pain and he winced.

"Are you ok?" Man-shik said worriedly, immediately letting go. Sounds of yawns and footsteps sounded as a waft of sweaty alpha scent filled the closet. Nobody noticed the blood on the kid's wrist, and he winced in pain trying to cover it up. 

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