• Injured •

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"Woah. That was intense. If only Min-jun hadn't cheated we would've won!" Joon Woo said amused, as he half meant it half joked teasing Min-jun. Min-jun however didn't find this amusing at all and took it very seriously.

"Excuse me. I didn't cheat if you looked at the line I was behind, you're just mad cause you're not a good goalie." Min-jun said, as he growled playfully at Joon Woo, who looked mock offended.

This dispute started a mock debate between the two teams as they both attacked Ji-ho with questions, he was the score keeper. This sparked playful growls on both sides which got steadily louder, until it was interrupted by the kid backing up so far into the desk he moved a few wires causing a bit of a disruption.

He was scared for a moment, and his eyes showed it big wide, and brimmed with tears. He stopped backing away when his eyes landed on the 6 pairs of confused eyes. His face was suddenly blank.

He stood up and walked over to Yejun. Everyone tensed up, their body ready to defend the omega if anything went wrong between their interaction.

"Do you wanna play something?" Si-woo said. His entire personality switched, once his eyes landed on Yejun and he immediately resumed his protective shelter wanting him not to be uncomfortable with growling alphas.

"Uh...Sure?" Yejun said as he gave the kid in front of him a short smile he stood up slightly taller than the kid, it was quite interesting how someone smaller than him could do so much damage.

They two walked to the door, and left it slightly open to make sure the others knew if anything happened, though this was rendered useless as they all slept or talked animatedly over any noises. Though this wasn't necessary the two boys were having fun, as they chased each other around the gym, falling and laughing (though most of it was Yejun).

To Yejun's surprise when he tripped over the ball, Si-woo rushed over, eyes full of worry he inspected Yejun, but once he made sure he was well, backed away as if he didn't care. It was a weird experience. It was all laughs until a loud crack filled the auditorium as Si-woo stumbled back onto the bleachers.

"God, are you okay?" Yejun knelt down to the kid's level as he tried to touch the kid's leg but was harshly swatted away.

"Leave. Me. Alone." Si-woo said through gritted teeth as Yejun tried to help him up. Why was Yejun making it so hard for him to push him away? He was vulnerable, he didn't want anyone near him, he didn't want to be taken advantage of, not again.

Yejun backed away, Alphas were not to be messed with, no matter how small or weak. He walked over to the room as he left the kid backed against the wall of the gym, his hair covering his face as he bent down and clutched his leg. That gray sweatpants was now turning a maroon shade.

"Huh? What happened? Was he a jerk? Why are you sulking?" Min-jun asked as Yejun entered the room and sulked. He thought he had changed, broken the hard shell, they had a good time, didn't they?

"Yejun! Why are you sulking?" Joon Woo said suddenly, snapping Yejun out of his daze.

"Oh nothing. Leave him alone, he's really pi**ed." Yejun said as he took the bag of pretzels from Ji-ho.

They all talked for a bit and then just played a few random games. After a while Man-shik stood up and announced he was going to see what that kid was doing, despite Yejun's protests to not, he walked out the door and Yejun slowly approached.

"Hey! What's your issue?" Man-shik said harshly as he made his way toward the kid whose full attention was on his leg, and then he tucked it under him, backing up again.

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