VI. Red Sicut Rosae

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Red Sicut Rosae

Red Like Roses



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A lot happened in a month after Hikaru got accepted.

He soon started his work inside the Academy as Glynda's helper during Saturday and Sundays. Even if the school year isn't starting yet, he tried to enter some part time jobs around Vale as he got an apartment at downtown district.

Hikaru bought some essentials that'll do for him in a year. Some clothes, a scroll, and a half-mask that covers his nose and mouth.

Another window of opportunity he jumped into was a patrolling duty with Professor Goodwitch herself. With Vale's crime rate rising, he decided to tag along with her this week as the news stated that the group of Roman Torchwick is robbing Dust shops and factories in the harbor.

Now, he had a job to do.

Standing alone in the middle of the night, he observes the silent city of Vale as the broken moon hovers above the night sky. Hikaru, armed with his wooden blade that he substituted for this kind of patrols is holstered on his hip. His gold and white haori flutters with the wind, and his cols expression gazes below the empty streets, yet few people walking, and seeing that some shops are still open, he was about to call and end his patrol.

When suddenly his scroll rang.

Wondering who it is, he pulls it out and checked the contact. Glynda Goodwitch is calling...

He sighs and placed it near his ear, accepting the call.

"Hello?" He called.

"Hikaru. You were about to end your shift, yes?" Direct and straight, Glynda doesn't beat around the bush, this common attitude from her made him roll his eyes.

"I was about to. Do you need any help?" Hikaru offers, yet he heard Glynda replying immediately as she should.

"I got a call from a concerned citizen that a dust shop in uptown Vale, is currently being robbed." The message got his attention as he pulled the phone closer to him, narrowed eyes and alerted ears as he answered.

"Are you sure, Ms. Goodwitch? This is certainly Torchwick now?"

"Just go ahead, I'll see what I can do to block his escape and to alert Vale's Hunstman Department."

"Alright, Ms. Goodwitch." He was about to end the call when she added something.

"And remember, no fancy and flashy moves of yours in this kind of scenario. I do not want any collateral damage around the city, are we clear?"

Hikaru smirked as he cracks his neck. "If he forces me." Hikaru muttered to himself, and returned back to the call. "Crystal. Ma'am."

The Professor ended the call as Hikaru appreciates the silence once more. He turns to the way uptown, and took deep breaths. "Time to go..."

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