XIII. Ductus Exemplo

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Ductus Exemplo

Lead by Example



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Another morning for Hikaru, another week of studying...

Three weeks since the Initiation, a curriculum of activities, group projects, teams and solo sparring happened in those short series of weeks.

Today, they had finished Professor (Doctor) Oobleck's history class. Surprisingly, Team RUST's desire to learn Remnant's history made Doc Oobleck happy. Another class transpired before lunchbreak.

It is Professor Goodwitch's Combat Class.

Hikaru already fought last week, as well as Uzui. Rengoku and Tomioka didn't have the chance to fight because there is a randomizer wheel before the fight. 

Also, Uzui obtained a lot of fangirls, a lot. 

Today, Hikaru is seen sitting with Team RUST. Next to her was Ruby and her team and below the benches was Jaune's team. Team JNPR. Speaking of the blonde, he is currently fighting the leader of Team CRDL, Cardin Winchester.

Hikaru crosses his arms at the sluggish fight. Bored, yet hoping for Jaune to win. 

Watching Jaune's poor positioning, he grimaced at the sight of his left side, which is clearly open for Cardin to deliver either a kick of a swing of his mace. And even so, Cardin swung it.

"Gah!" Jaune cried in pain as he was sent a few meters away from Cardin like a rolling ragdoll.

"C'mon, fearless leader!" Nora, amongst the sea of worried and silent students cheered alone. 

Hearing this, he stood up even his aura is nearly at the red. He clutched his sword, Crocea Mors and yelled his battle cry as he rushed forward for an overhead slash. Cardin sneers at his determination to win the one-sided spar.

Cardin disgustingly shook his head. "Pathetic."

Jaune's opponent easily dodged his slash by jumping out of the way. Jaune looks back, surprised. As Cardin skidded to the right, Jaune changes his hold onto his sword for a follow-up horizontal slash. Cardin sees this from a mile away and ducked low, grabbing Jaune's wrist before he swung his mace in an underhand blow.

The students who are currently watching the spar, winced. Eyes narrowly squinting at the unimaginable pain Cardin delivered to Jaune.

"This is the part where you lose." Cardin stated as he approaches Jaune, barely trying to get up.

With his aura near empty, Jaune lifts his head, glancing at his opponent.

"O-Over my dead-Gah!"

Cardin kicked Jaune and his aura broke completely. He was about to deliver another downward swing from his mace when suddenly the dim lights brightened, and a buzzen signaling the end of the match.

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