New identity and new start

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When I open my eyes I got shocked because I am in a room which don't look like neither hospital not my own room.

Then I see a mirror I go there I got shocked I see a boy which look like a 11 or 12 years old.

Then I notice he looks familiar and in an instant I got tons of memories in my head it is so painful 😣😣 that I collapsed in the ground. When I woke up I understand everything.

I reincarnated as ichika orimura. So now I am happy as well as sad.

Happy because I can show those females that never mess with a male just because you are females and you guys have moral advantage.

Sad because it going to be very tough.

But I like one thing about ichika he don't discriminate in males and females. First I think like most of anime MC ichika treats girls like they are special but from the memories I got he treat everyone equally. That the best and he is also a very happy and social guy and have lots of friends.

It just have one problem some girls in his school bully him and saying Japan lost because he let himself kidnapped and he is not worthy of calling himself a male and ichika also believe it like seriously did those girls really think a 10 years old boy fight against 20 armed grown up men. But now I am going to change everything

First I start with being more calm one thing I don't like about ichika is that he act without thinking and this is also why chifuya ( his big sister) always call him a idiot or blockhead but now it me they are dealing with not original ichika I always belike we should first think before act.

Chifuya always says that I needs to be quiet and stop asking questions like what she do and why she only come home for 1 or 2 days in a year now she is going to be surprised by new ichika.

If she don't care about him then why should I care. From this moment own I will show them what they miss.

I am now the new 'ICHIkA ORIMURA'

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