Meeting with student council

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President - It's been a while ichika

Ichika - Yes

President - You look changes

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President - You look changes

Ichika - Why you think so ?

President - Because before when I meet you you always bow to respect me and say sweet things kindly and you are kind a clumsy back then. Now you look cold just like your sister.

Ichika - Well I think it's better to be changed after all we can't be always same. Now can you tell me why do you want from me ?

President - oo it's nothing just a female student report you that you use violence against her.

Ichika - I don't she was the first who try to attack me I just stop her hand.

President - Do you have any proof ?

Ichika - Do you have any proof that she is telling the truth ?

President - yes her friends conform that statement.

Ichika - Other than her friends because do you think they will support their friends.

President - No but I need to investigate things. Now I ask one more ichika orimura do you assault a female ?

Ichika - No

President - what proof do you have ?

Ichika - You can ask anybody in the class who started the fight first.

President - Ok. Now do you have anything to say ?

Ichika - Yes I want to file complain of violence and false report of me.

President - Against who ?

Ichika - Against those three.

President Ok but ichika is it necessary I mean it can make the female students more violent towards you after all those three are quiet popular.

Ichika - Yes I want it. And why do you so panicking for a complain. Are you also like other females ?

Hearing this President and Glasses get shocked.

President - No ichika I am not I will try everything to bring you justice.

Ichika - Then I am going. It's time for my next class.

President - Ichika why don't you call me Aoi from now on.

Glasses - And me Mei

Ichika - Why ??

Aoi/Mei - Because we wants to be friends with you.

Ichika - I don't want a female friend.

Hearing this they get shocked and look very sad.

Aoi - Ichika we are not like that give us chance.

Nei - Yes I M sorry how I treat you I got false rumours about you that you are sexually violent towards female that's why I am so harsh towards you but I now know that you are not like that that's why I want to be friends with you and I will treat you with respect from now on please.

Hearing this I got shocked but then I smile and say.

Ichika - Ok I will accept it after all if I am friends with president nobody .was with me so I accept it.

Hearing this they both laugh.

Ichika - Then I will go now.

I exit and then I smiled that now I have more peoples to call friends other than Dan. But I must be careful because today's felriend tomorrow enemy. So I will be friends whit them but I will not let them come cry close to me because original ichika get so hurt but that I don't want to fell that pain of loosing someone close.

Desided that I go for my next class. But I am hungry. Next time I will make them pay for my lunch and eat double than I normally eat.

Yes that's decided.

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